Nashi Chapter 12

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*Nashi's POV*

“Yes, we do!” Naruto cheers, looking around for support. Kakashi closes his book for once, Sasuke pretends not to care but anyone with eyes could see that he wanted to know as well, and Sakura just stares at Sasuke like the love-sick fangirl that she is. Tazuna and his family have no idea why the ninja want to know so badly but can’t contain their interest as well.

“... Blood,” I drawl. They all look appalled, well Sasuke and Kakashi don’t but the rest do. Sakura and Tsunami pale a bit. I mentally shrug, can’t say I didn’t warn them.

“Sugoi! So cool! Dattebayo!” Naruto whoops excitedly. I sweatdrop, what a strange child.

“Do you drink human blood?” Sasuke asks sharply, staring at me with cold eyes.

“Yeah I drink your guys’ blood every night. You just don’t know it,” I retort sarcastically. Sakura looks as if she wanted to faint. Naruto chuckles nervously, discreetly searching himself for any recent bite marks. “I was kidding. I usually drink animal blood.”

“Usually?” Kakashi echoes, his one visible eyebrow raised. Only he would pick up such a small detail. I just nod, clamming up again. The dinner became quite awkward after that.

“I’m going to... eat.” I inform Kakashi. I pause before exiting the door, “Follow me, you die.” I could hear a bunch of disappointed noises before I fully shut the door. They are so predictable.


After another long day of babysitting, I materialize back into Tazuna’s house and place myself at the far end of the table. I watch solemnly as Naruto and Sasuke challenge each other to an eating contest.

“More!” they both announce at the same, holding out their empty bowls. Their heads swivel around to scowl at the other before promptly turning around and puking.

“Why are you eating if you’re just going to puke it back up?!” Sakura demands shrilly in disgust.

“I must get stronger...” Sasuke states matter-of-factly while wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Naruto nods in agreement. Tazuna’s little brat scowls harshly under his hat.

“You’ll never prove anything! You’re all just going to fail!” Inari screams in defiance. Everyone tenses up as the temperature of the room plummets drastically. I look around in slight curiosity, it seems like this was a sore subject that had already been discussed.

“Yes, I will! I’ll show you all!” Naruto retorts just as loudly, not helping the cause. They both act immaturely. “At least I’m not like you! Always crying like a wimp!” With this, Inari leaves  with a huff, tears leaking out of his eyes.

Naruto abruptly stands up as well, causing his chair to clatter noisily behind him. “I’m going to prove to him that there are heros!” he exclaims determinedly before barging out of the house. I mushroom sigh.

Kakashi glances at me meaningfully. I reluctantly teleport in a swirl, off to babysit yet again. Stupid, boy... Trying to prove nothing to a stranger he doesn’t even know. What an idiot ninja he is.

An yet... Why does he continue to do so?


I dart along the shadows, keeping extra precautions to not let Naruto know that I’m watching him. Skidding to a stop, I catch a glimpse of a secluded field. Perfect.   

Taking deep breaths, I close and began to meditate. Meditating always calms me. I empty my mind and heighten my senses to cover an even larger area. Sitting there, I can feel everything around me. I stay like this the entire night, quickly losing track of time while keeping a watch out for Naruto as he trains.

Thump. I snort quietly, breaking my intense concentration. It seems like Naruto has over exhausted himself. I stretch my senses to pinpoint his blood flow. His heart beats methodically, informing me that is still alive. Why did the Hokage order me to protect these annoying brats? It is just a waste of my time when I could be out in a foreign country killing S-ranked criminals.

Dark emotions bubble up and swirl ominously in the back of my head. Raspy voices whispering nasty things, echoing between my ears. I grimace. With practiced ease, I quickly wipe my mind of any thoughts and go back to meditating tranquilly.

Tensing my muscles, I feel another body approach Naruto from the forest. I shoot up from my seated position and speed towards Naruto. Silently crouching behind large leaves, I am greeting with a strange girl sitting near Naruto.

I sniff the air without attracting too much attention. What the... the little brat is actually a boy...! Strangely, his scent is familiar. I sort through my memories, straining to pinpoint the scent. A lightbulb appears over my head as I finally connect the dots. The “hunter-nin” the had supposedly killed Zabuza!

This labels him as a threat to the Leaf Ninja. I strangle the Hokage in my mind as I prepare to ambush the suspicious crossdresser. The stranger surprises me by gently shaking Naruto’s shoulder.

“Hey, you shouldn’t be sleeping out here. You’ll catch a cold or something,” he says sweetly, a look of concern flickering across his doe-like eyes.  

“Eh?” Naruto grumbles sleepily, rubbing his eyes of exhaustion. If the boy had intended to kill Naruto, Naruto would be dead right now. Some Hokage he’ll be... Naruto blinks up at the figure next to him and blushes heavily. I snicker, he’s probably gender confused right now.

“Are you a ninja?” the boy-girl asks, smiling kindly. It does nothing to quell Naruto’s raging blush.

“U-uh, yeah...” the blonde stutters lamely, eyes wide. Naruto... you are so smooth... not.

“Why are you out here all alone?” the feminine boy questions softly. In his hands is a basket with some freshly picked herbs in it. I hone in on the innocent plants. No doubt, they are to treat Zabuza’s wounds... that I had inflicted. I grin darkly in triumph, remembering the epic battle.

“I’m training to become a great ninja! I want to be the Hokage, dattebayo!” Naruto cheers,instantly warming up to the strange when talking about a familiar subject. Too familiar in fact. The boy in a kimono chuckles lightly.

“You must be training hard for someone you love,” he concludes, albeit a bit wistfully. I scoff, emotions are foolish and would only hold back a great ninja in battle. Naruto’s face scrunches up in deep thought, I mean as deep as he can get.

“Uh... yeah... I guess so!” Naruto states, scratching the back of his head.

“It must be nice, working hard for someone special to you,” the crossdresser whispers longingly. Naruto then notices the basket full of herbs.

“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Naruto suddenly blurts. The boy-girl just smiles at his outburst while Naruto turns away in embarrassment.  

“I’m collecting herbs. Won’t you help me?”

“Alright, dattebayo!” They crouch there side by side with the stranger explaining the plants appearances and their uses.

“I must go. Keep working hard on that dream of yours,” the boy stretches, prepared to take his leave. Naruto unwillingly bids his goodbye.

He pauses before leaving and faces Naruto once more. “Oh yes, by the way, I’m a boy.” Naruto’s mouth drops comically in shock.

“What?! He’s even prettier than Sakura! Dattebayo!” the blonde cries, gripping his hair, mind blown. I scoff, still not seeing the pinkette’s appeal. The stranger strolls off, smiling to himself. With practiced ease, I dig my fingernails into my palms, drawing blood. I rapidly form them into senbon needles and aim them at the suspicious boy.


Dun, dun, dun...

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