Nashi Chapter 7

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*Nashi's POV*

“Kakashi! You and me! Right now! Fair and square!” Naruto declares, pumping his fist determinedly. I sigh at his never ending idiotic antics. Kakashi glances at me. I promptly turn around and amble into the forest, leaving him behind to deal with the annoying pest.


I crouch on the limb above Sasuke, peering down at his form. If Sasuke is here, then Sakura should be near... I close my eyes and feel the surrounding areas. Sure enough, Sakura is underneath the bush next to Sasuke’s tree. Sasuke flings his shuriken with deadly accuracy at Kakashi, who poofs into a log.

“Dammit!” Sasuke swears under his breath before escaping to find another hiding spot. Sakura races behind him, causing me to almost facepalm at her foolish devotion towards Sasuke. This gives me an idea.

*3rd POV*

Kakashi watches Sasuke jumps madly through the trees, trying to conceal himself once more.

“Interesting...” he mumbles to himself, before flipping a page of his Icha Icha

Paradise book. He hears rustling behind Sasuke and concludes that it must be Sakura. A figure appears silently next to him, crouching on the branch adjacent to his.

“Oh... Hello, Nashi,” Kakashi greets nonchalantly. He shuts his book and slides it back into his weapons pouch. This fourth student of his spikes his interest, enough to earn his full attention.

“Leave it to me...” Nashi mutters. Kakashi nods, he had hoped to see what Nashi was capable of doing and this was his only chance.

*Kakashi’s POV*

I follow quickly followed behind Nashi, jumping from tree to tree. For a genin, he sure is fast. [A/N: Kakashi thinks Nashi is a guy.] Stopping a few tree lengths away, I watch in fascination as Nashi bites his finger and lets his blood drip onto a nearby plant. The black blood is absorbed into the plant, causing it to shiver slightly and come to life.

Nashi quickly disguised himself into the scenery as Sasuke rushed past. As Sakura passes by however, the plant quickly stretches itself out and nicks her leg, creating a small cut.

Once Sakura is out of sight, Nashi steps out and stroked the plant idly. A few seconds later, Sakura’s shrill screams causes a flock of birds to flutter into the sky in panic. What happened?

Nashi continues down some unseeable trail and I, naturally, follow him. Stopping briefly, I stare at the plant as it slowly shrivels up and wilts right before my eyes. Strange... I leave it behind and arrive at a small clearing, where Sakura is laying. Nashi turns her over before pressing his fingers to the small cut on her leg. He draws away, seemingly satisfied with his work and sprints off to find Sasuke.

I rush to Sakura’s side to look her over for any signs as to what might’ve caused her to pass out. I raise my headband to reveal my Sharingan and analyze her chakra system. She appears to be under some genjutsu of sort, but there was nothing disrupting her flow of chakra. I hurriedly cover my eye and leave Sakura where she lay.

Arriving just in time, I watch as Nashi steps into a bigger clearing where Sasuke seems to be waiting for him.

“I’ll get you back for what you did this morning,” Sasuke growls. I briefly ponder his statement but quickly snap out of my wandering thoughts as Sasuke charges towards Nashi.

Nashi fluidly dodges each of Sasuke attacks, flipping backwards away from him. Sasuke smirks and throws a couple of kunai. Nashi easily sidesteps out of the way, but the kunai weren’t aiming for Nashi. It was a trap.

Hm... not bad at all... It looks like Sasuke had set up a trap while waiting for Nashi to appear, quite resourceful. I watch as ten or so kunai came from the opposite direction, all aiming for Nashi.

They puncture cloaked genin’s back, causing him to stagger forward from the impact. I gape, how could he not have dodged them? Maybe he isn’t as skilled as Hokage-sama thought. Nashi pitches forward onto the ground in front of a very surprised Sasuke.

Sasuke stares in disbelief as the unnaturally dark blood soaks the ground around the fallen form. He waits a couple of minutes before dubbing it safe to move closer. He cautiously creeps forward, extending his arm to snag the bell tied to Nashi’s cloak.

His arm is abruptly wrenched away as a bloody arm forms out of Nashi’s mutilated back. It grabs Sasuke’s exploring hand and tosses him to one side with a tremendous force. Sasuke soars backwards, only to be stopped painfully by a tree. He coughs up drops of blood and groans with his eyes squeezes shut.

I observe this all with wide eyes, well eye. What kind of jutsu is that? I don’t feel any spike of chakra from Nashi... or any chakra at all. Nashi slowly staggers to his feet as the black-red arm coming out of his back shoves its way back in. To me, it looks quite disturbing and painful as well. He straightens up and faces Sasuke, who is watching this with wide eyes.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Nashi asks monotonously as if this sort of thing happened everyday. Sasuke gasps and shakily rises up to the challenge.

He makes a series of quick hand signs and sucks in a deep breath. I gasp, a normal genin should not be able to achieve this jutsu. It requires too much chakra for a freshly graduate to possibly have. I watch in fascination as Sasuke brings his hand up to his mouth and blows a huge fireball at Nashi.

The roar of the flames die down, leaving a huge scorch mark on the earth but no Nashi. Sasuke whips his head around to scan the nearby foliage for a certain masked ninja. I concentrate as well but cannot find a chakra source nearby. A normal genin should not be able to hide their chakra this well. Hell, even some well-seasoned chunin can’t. This makes me even more curious.

I watch as Nashi appears a few lengths away, drawing the attention of Sasuke. Nashi slams a bloody hand onto the ground, leaving a red handprint behind. He raises his hand and clenches it into a fist. This causes the earth beneath Sasuke to tremor and copy Nashi’s movement. An earthen hand protrudes out of the ground and grabs Sasuke before pulling him underground until only his head remains above ground.

I frown pensively, I didn’t see Nashi use any hand signs at all. Was it a jutsu? Just how skilled is this child? He should be crippled from the wound he had received earlier but is instead moving with ease, as if there is no pain. I sit back and ponder this new information for a moment.

My attention is drawn back as Nashi crouches next to Sasuke’s head and whispers something into his ear. Sasuke’s eyes widen before narrow as he glares menacingly at Nashi with an expression full of hatred and pain. Nashi’s voices was too quiet for me to catch, leaving me in the dark again.

The cloaked genin disappears from Sasuke’s sight and appears on the branch I am sitting on.


What did Nashi say? O.o

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