Nashi Chapter 6

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*Nashi’s POV*

“Ah... Ah... I-I have a m-message from Hokage-sama!” the chunin stutters in fear, a bead of sweat trailing down his cheek. He glances nervously at my katana that threatens to detach his head from his body.

“Well, what is it?” I ask harshly, jostling him a bit to hurry and spit out the message. Ninja these days are certainly lacking in areas. I don’t bother to drop my weapon, watching him swallow in panic.

“H-Hokage-sama requests y-your presence!” he squeals, face ashen in fear. I drop my katana and promptly disappear in a swirl of crimson, leaving the others behind without a second thought.


*3rd POV*

The chunin stares in terror at the spot where Nashi used to be standing. He looks at the three genin. Two have their mouths wide open in alarm while the third glares vehemently at the empty space. His fist clenches in resolution, brows furrowing.

“D-does this always happen?” the senior asks the genin, still recovering from the terrifying encounter. Naruto and Sakura shake their heads slowly.

“I never knew Nashi could be this scary! Dattebayo!” Naruto exclaims in reverence.

Sakura nods, green eyes stretched wide. As far I can tell, Nashi is a scary beast with insane strength. Reminder to self, never get on Nashi’s bad side...

Sasuke’s scowl deepens. Nashi would be his new goal. I have to overcome this obstacle before killing him, it is my Uchiha pride!


*Nashi’s POV*

I crouch in a leafy tree, watching the sun rise and spill its radiant colors across the dark sky. Scowling, I reread the scroll in my hand once again, disappointed at my bad luck. I am to help Kakashi test the new graduates. Seeing that I had graduated long ago, I had no reason to participate in this foolish assessment. I watch longingly as the sky grows brighter, patiently waiting for the others to come.

Unsurprisingly, Sasuke arrives first. He moves with his hands stuffed in his pockets before coming to a stop and leaning against the bridge railing. The tree branch I’m in is situated perfectly right above the bridge, giving me a clear view of the stoic ravenette. He doesn’t seem to notice my presence... again. I smirk in satisfaction before vaulting off the tree.

Landing silently next to him, I balance precariously on the thin railing. He jolts in shock before scowling at me. His grimace deepened as I return his stare.

“Fight me!” he growls demandingly, getting into a ready stance. I don’t move a muscle, egging him on. Slightly interested in my new toy, I let him make the first move. I hadn’t seen his capabilities yet, but Uchihas were known for their superior battling skills and killer instincts.

He swipes a fist at me, strategically testing the water. I leap up and blur so that I am standing behind him. He notices after a split second, his lips tilting downwards. He is just realizing the immense skill gap between him and I.

He continues to punch and kick at me, trying desperately to land a hit. I silently dodged each, not even breaking a sweat. Stopping after his barrage, he stands there panting with his back hunched over slightly.

I land a few feet in front of him not moving in to attack while he is vulnerable. He straightens and growls lowly, hating the fact that I’m going easy on him. Hating the fact that he can’t do anything even though I’m going easy on him.

Sasuke narrows his eyes, winding up for a finishing blow. I tch, fresh graduates are always so predictable. He charges at me with his fist raised. I catch it with my sleeve-covered hand, stopping his punch without too much effort. He swings his opposite leg, trying to catch me on the side. I bring my other arm down, sharply deflecting his kick with my elbow. Sasuke then draws his other arm up to strike me in the stomach but is stopped by my hand once again. Holding both of his fists, I hoist him up and slam him down none too gently behind me, winding him.

I stare down at him evenly as he coughs roughly, trying to catch his breath. He glares up at me from his keeled over position, wincing. Stepping back, I make no move to help or harm him as he shakily gets back on his feet. He leans on the bridge railing for support before shifting back into a ready stance.

Foolish genin, of course he would be no match for me. However, I must admit, his techniques are higher than an average graduate. But still not good enough.

I raise an unseeable eyebrow. Is he a masochist? Despite beating him badly, he is still willing to fight.  I scoff at his naivety, in the real world, he would be long gone dead. Before I can retaliate, I feel Naruto’s presence heading our way and vanish out of sight. Sasuke looks around, no doubt wondering why I had run off.

Opting to crouch in the tree again, I watch Sasuke try to appear natural as if he was never beaten up by someone half his height. Naruto appears and yawns before sitting next to Sasuke, trying to keep himself awake. He doesn’t notice the Uchiha’s stiff posture and hard expression and dozes off.

After a few moments, Sakura comes. “Good morning Sasuke-kun. Good morning, Naruto,” she yawns. I am slightly surprised that she had greeted Naruto. But Naruto is too exhausted to realize, or else he would have surely died from shock.

The three of them stand together on the bridge like obedient children and wait for the arrival of their sensei. Hours tick by, as Naruto and Sakura unintentionally nod off. Sasuke remains upright with his hands in his pocket and a brooding expression on his pale face.

After three hours of waiting, I finally feel Kakashi coming. Naruto and Sakura jerk awake as Kakashi poofs in front of them, giving them a scare.

“You’re late!” they scream at the same time, making it seem like they had rehearsed it. Kakashi smiles sheepishly, scratching his head.

“Sorry, I ran into a black cat and had to take the long way...” he reasons without any conviction. I almost snort.

“Yeah right!” Naruto yells. Kakashi ignores him and glances around.

“Where’s Nashi?” Kakashi muses out loud. I drop from my perch and land next to Kakashi. “Oh! There you are! I heard that you were supposed to help me.” I nod reluctantly.

The other genin stare at me with open curiously, making my hand twitch with the prospect of slicing their heads off. Kakashi pulls out an alarm clock and sets it on one of the training stumps.

“This clock is set for twelve o’clock. You have about two hours to get these three bells from either Nashi or I.” He holds up three bells tied on a string. They jingle merrily as they bump into each other, the golden color reflecting in the sunlight. He hands one to his masked student. “Those of you who don’t get a bell in time will be tied to these stumps and Nashi and I will eat our lunch in front you.” The genin groan with the stomachs rumbling, realizing why they were told not to eat breakfast. I silently laugh mockingly at their pain.

“You can use anything you want to get these from us, including justus and kunai.”

“But Sensei! Kunai are sharp and dangerous!” Sakura protests, stating the obvious. I deadpan at her stupidity.

“Yeah! Especially since you can’t even dodge a chalkboard eraser! Dattebayo!” Naruto calls jeeringly.

Kakashi sighs, “Class clowns are the usually the weakest links, the easiest to defeat.” Naruto cheeky grin drops as he charges recklessly at Kakashi with a kunai. Kakashi grabs Naruto’s wrist and spins him around, pointing the kunai at Naruto’s head. Sakura gasps theatrically. She and Sasuke look at Kakashi with wide eyes, impressed at his speed. I scoff quietly, I could move faster... not that I would show them. They aren’t worth the effort.

“Wow, Sensei! You’re so fast!” Sakura cries adoringly.

“Oh this? This is nothing.” Kakashi laughs it off, letting go of Naruto’s wrist. “I haven’t even said go yet, Naruto. But I like the intent to kill, you all are going to need that to defeat me... and Nashi.” He glances at me with that familiar suspicious glint in his eye. Joy.

“Ready? Set? Go!” Sasuke and Sakura dash off into the foliage, hiding themselves in the shadows. They try to conceal their chakra the best they can, which in all honesty is pretty pathetic. Naruto, being the stupid kid he is, remains there facing Kakashi and I determined.


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