Chapter 5

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Chapter 5;

Natalie p.o.v

Had I just kissed Eric, my best friend? Yes, yes I had - and I hadn't hated it.

I cursed mentally as I got changed into my pajamas, feeling so confused. Why was I confused? The fact that he hadn't pulled away fron the kiss had to be a good sign right? Well it couldn't be bad and he had actually moved closer, pulling me against him.

I fell asleep completely exhausted that night.


8.57am. I groaned as I looked at the clock on my bedside table. I had only drunk 1 or 2 vodkas last night, so I was happy to be hangover free.

The happiness was short lived as I suddenly remembered something - me and Eric had agreed to hang out today at lunchtime. We agreed this when we both thought that we'd have hangovers, so we'd said that we would watch films. Instead of dread, my happiness was replaced with anxiety and excitement.

There was no reason that I couldn't tell him how I now knew I felt - the only thing that was stopping me from even thinking about telling him were my own insecurities. Well, that and the press.

I was startled by my phone beeping. "Are we still on for later? We can do another day if you want to x"

Just because I hadn't decided what I wanted yet, that didn't mean that I didn't want my best friend to come over.

"Sure - see you later x"


Eric p.o.v

That's it. I would go round Tallie's today and just enjoy her company. I would forget about my feelings for her until she showed some sign that she felt the same.

After I had dropped her off, I had had all night to think about things. It wasn't as if we were strangers who had just met. She knew I was 'famous', so she knew what to expect.

We knew that we got along and trusted each other but it came down to how she felt - I wasn't going to rush her.


"I brought lunch." I told her, holding out the bag I had brought a few minutes earlier, as she opened the door. "Bacon rolls."

I was resolved that I was going to act like normal, to keep things from being awkward. So I plastered on a grin.

"Sounds good." She grinned back, letting me in. We went to the kitchen and I placed the bag on the counter. She got 2 plates out and placed one in front of me. "Drink?"

"Uhh water, please. So what-" I began but she cut me off.

"Before you carry on, I just want to say that I'm not sorry." She looked at me, expecting a reply.

"For what?" I don't know why I said that - I knew what I hoped she was going to say.

"For what happened. For t-the-"

"The kiss?" I finished for her. She nodded and said a quiet 'yes'.

This was my chance! she was telling me that she was, at least partially, interested.

"Good." I couldn't believe that I was about to say this, but I had to. "I don't want you to - apologise, I mean." We were facing each other so it was easy to see her slight blush.

"Look, I have to tell you." I began. She was still looking at me, so I looked her in the eyes and continued. "Until a few weeks ago, I had only thought of you as a friend. I-I'm still not sure what changed, but I know that last night wasn't a mistake. I know neither of us were drunk, as you are a horrible drunk and you were lovely last night." I laughed at the last bit, and she had trouble not smiling.

"Anyway, I've thought about it and I would really like to ... to give this - us - a try. But I understand if you don't want to." I finished, breathing deeply. I was relieved to have said it, but terrified that she would reject me, telling me to leave her alone.

I was leaning against the counter, looking at the floor now, so I couldn't see what was coming.

"Well, there are a lot of reasons why this wouldn't work." Her feet entered my line of vision, but I still couldn't look at her.

"But there are a lot of good reasons why it would. And I want to." My head shot up and I could feel my jaw drop.

"I-I-" I couldn't find the words. Instead I closed the short gap between us and seized her face in my hands. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." She said without hesitation. "Kiss me, Eric."

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