Chapter 15

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Chapter 15;

Tallie p.o.v

We've just had our first fight. We had been shouting and screaming at each other.

Well really, it was me that had done most of the damage. I'd hated what I said and I hadn't meant it at all, knowing that none of it was true.

I was so stupid. I'd just blown it, I knew I had. I'd lost the man I love because I had panicked about a little bit of press attention.

I had been sat on the floor, slumped agaisnt the door for - I checked the clock - an hour and a half when I heard Eric.

"I'm not leaving you, Tallie. I don't care if you don't want me here, because I still love you. Will you please open the door?"

I couldn't bring myself to talk to him, out of embarrassment and shame at what I had said. He deserved so much better than me.

With tears still streaming down my face, I crawled onto the bed, not bothering to pull the covers down before I commenced to bawl my eyes out again.


It was 2am and I was laid on the bed in the spare room, in complete darkness, sniffing and my eyes stinging from crying so much. I hadn't slept at all, horrible thoughts circling around my head, tormenting me.

The door opened slowly and I saw a familiar silhouette making his way carefully towards me. I fought the urge to turn my back to him.

"Tallie?" he whispered barely loud enough to hear.

I knew that he knew I was awake as soon as he crouched down by the side of the bed, making our faces level.

It was dark but I could just about see that his eyes were just as red and puffy as my own. It broke my heart to know it was because of me. I swiped at my face, removing the last traces of tears.

"I'm so sorry." he started with a shaky breath. I could see the tear tracks on his beautiful face.

"I hate that we've argued, but I hate that you're upset more. You don't need to stay in here alone. Please, come to bed?" he sniffed, and I knew I shouldn't, but I needed my best friend right now.

Tiredly, I nodded. I sat up with a great deal of effort and he held out his hand. I took it and he helped me up, holding my hand all the way to the bedroom.

We didn't say a single word, even when we fell, exhausted, onto the bed, still fully clothed.

We fell asleep curled up together, my hand on his chest, being comforted by his heartbeat.

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