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mia: are you awake?

joshua: just

mia: can i ring you please?

joshua rereads mia's message, surprised at her question. he misses her voice so much so he doesn't hesitate to respond.

joshua: sure

when he sees mia's id flash on the screen of his phone, he freezes for a few moments. what is she going to say to him? he shakes his head and clicks on the 'answer' button, slowly lifting the phone to his ear. 

"hello?" mia's voice asks softly, her mixed californian and bostonian accent sounding like music to joshua's ears. 

he breaths a sigh of emotion which he can't quite decipher. relief, happiness, maybe? 

"mia." he sighs, a large smile involuntarily spreading across his tired features.

"how are you? i'm sorry if i woke you up, the time zones are such a barrier." 

he shakes his head although she can't see him. "you didn't," he lies. "and i'm good, really good, actually. and yourself?" 

"your voice has changed," mia chuckles almost emotionlessly, completely avoiding his question. "how long have you lived in korea?"

"two years. i'm surprised you didn't hear. word spreads fast these days." 

"i wish you told me." 

"i didn't think you would want to know." 

"of course i would have wanted to know. i thought you moved to new york, like you always said you would." 

"well, i did live there for a month or so. but my parents wanted to move to korea so i went with them."

"i've really missed you, actually." 

joshua pauses, unsure how to respond. of course, he's missed mia too, a lot, actually, but if he tried to tell her that, his words would sound sad and awkward.

 but he doesn't care.

"i miss you, too, mia, i never stopped loving you."

messages ➳ joshua hongWhere stories live. Discover now