Baekhyun's curiosity.

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[The next day]
Baekhyun's POV:
I was heading to school, when suddenly I remembered what Bomi said.
"Baekhyun...Not yet....don't leave me yet."
"Leave ? How does she even know me? Was she someone important in the past? Even so...she was...crying. Did I, do something to her in past? But wait... Is she someone I even know? If she was that important , why did she not tell me? "
I arrived at school.
Taeyeon: Oppa, lets meet up. I wanna eat with you.
"Ah..nae, okay ill meet you at the cafe near my school"
Taeyeon: kay bye.
"Bye sarag-"
Before I was able to finish my phrase she hanged up.
I was heading to class . I entered and sat down my seat.


It was finally lunch time.
I decided, instead of eating with Ilhoon,Suho and my other friends, I went over to the tree, where I saw Bomi.
Why? Why am I so curious about what has happened between me and her? Argh..
I head over to the hill and just as I expected, Bomi was there with Eunji.
Why do I feel so nervous?
She looked up.
Bomi: Nae..?
"Can I talk to you?
I looked at Eunji giving her a sign for us to talk alone.
Eunji: Bomi, I am so sorry but I promised Namjoo that I would help her with the library duties. mianhe!
Bomi: Wa-
Eunji: SORRY!
She sighed.
Bomi: soo what is it?
I sat down next her.
"Ill just go straight to the point. Tell me the truth. "
Bomi: What..?
"The truth. I want to know. "
Bomi: What do you mean? 
I sighed .
"Look, I saw saw you cry while saying <<Baekhyun don't leave me.>> Who are you? And what are u supposed to mean to me? "
Bomi remained silent.
Bomi: Im sorry...*starts tearing up*  But I can't tell you.
"What do you mean?"
Bomi: If I tell you, you will suffer. Im sorry I can't. Im doing this for you..
She stood up and left.
I stayed there dumbfounded. 
Suffer? Why would I suffer?

Bomi POV:
I ran and head to the rooftop. I wiped my tears .
Im sorry...I can't tell you just yet.
I sat down and sighed.
I like you alot...but if I tell might remember. I want you to remember but, if you do...your might leave her. I don't want that.
I started crying.
?????: YAH! Why are you crying ?
I turned around and saw Ilhoon.
"Ilhoon..? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Chanyeol and your other friend..? "
Ilhoon: Ahh..I eat here sometimes. I like eating here when I feel like being alone.Anyways why are you crying?
I ended up telling him everything.
About the fact that I love him and the reason why I won't tell him about our past.
"Im sorry, I gotta go"
Ilhoon's POV:
She told me everything,
So she liked him since the beginning? I feel so hurt. Why? Why Baekhyun? You are suffering so  much just to protect him. Do you love him that much?
No one POV:
And so the day has ended.
Bomi was at her locker room .
Eunji: Bomi! Wanna head to the cafe. ? Their cappuccino is a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  
Bomi: Waaah! Really I love cappuccino! Okay ill go with you.
So they both make their way to the cafe.
They head over the cafe and as soon as they arrived they saw Baekhyun and  Taeyeon together.
Bomi felt hurt. She knew that, she should learn how to get use to this.
Bomi and Eunji both ordered a cappuccino and they both sat down near Baekhyun and Taeyeon's table.
Baekhyun saw Bomi . They both made eye contact. He saw Bomi blush and he smirked.
Taeyeon's POV:
He smirked. I saw him smirk at someone. I looked at the girl and I saw her..
Urgh ..that peeping Tom .
Baekhyun: Uh ..,yah?
"Give me peck in the lips."
Baekhyun: Here?? Can't we do it later?
Taeyeon: Why not?
Baekhyun: many people.
Liar..probably because she is here.
[At Baekhyun's place]


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