Chapter 10

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Bomi POV:
-chirp chirp-
"Hmm.." I slowly opened my eyes and found myself with tears. Crying, again? How many tears have I already shed for him? It just won't end will it?
I stood up and head to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked horrible. Oh god, If I go to school looking like this... I sighed.
"Guess ill be curling my hair today. " honestly I hate curling my hair but its just for today. I also put on a little make up to cover up my dark circles.
Okay! Im ready. I looked at the time and it was 8:00 am. Shit, I'm gonna be late. It takes 20 minutes for me to walk there and I still have library duties.
I rushed downstairs grabbing a piece of toast and bid my mom good bye before heading to school.

Baekhyun's POV:
Shit! Im late. I quickly rushed outside and ran to school. I looked at my watch and it was already 8:20. I ran faster when suddenly I crashed into someone and her books fell.
"Shit,sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. " I said while helping her.
????: It's fine it was my fault also.
I looked at my watch and it was 8:45. 
"We are late. "
????: I see..
We both stood up and I realized that it was Bomi.
Bomi: Oh, Baekhyun... Im so sorry, we are late. -bows.-
I chuckled and told her that it was also my fault.
It was silent.
"So, you wanna skip the first period?"
Bomi: U-uh sure. Where should we go?
"Actually I have something I wanna talk to you about. Wanna head over to the mall? "
She nodded and we both head to the shopping mall.
"We are here. Let's go. "
We head over at the cafe and sat down.
Bomi : So what did you wanna talk about?

Bomi's POV:
Omo~~ I can't believe I'm hanging out with him.  My heart is beating so fast. I wonder what he wanna talk about.?
Baekhyun: -sigh-  I know.
"You know? Know about what? "
Baekhyun looked at me in the eyes which made me blush.
"I remember everything. About the promise and about us. "  he said .
I stayed silent for awhile and took a deep breath before talking.
"So you remember huh.. How? "
He smiled and grabbed his bag.
"Because of this." He said while showing me his necklace and my ring.
" my ring!" I said almost tearing up.
Baekhyun: Sorry I lied to you yesterday.
I shook my head and gave him a hug.
"It doesn't matter. Im happy your back."
He quickly hugged me back and soon after he broke it.
He smiled and asked me one more thing.
Baekhyun : Im  happy to, but can you please tell me why you did not reveal our past to me from the very beginning?
Oh no... I don't wanna talk about this.

Sorry for short update ;-; I promise ill try to do a longer one next time...
Please continue supporting my book~ it makes me really happy knowing you guys like it. I re-read my first book and realized it was sooo shitty XD Thats why, im trying hard to make this one better~ 
Annyeong ~ 설 언 해 <3 
Im sorry i tried writing I love you but I think I fked it up.
Comment and tell me how to write it ;-;

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