Break Up.

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Taeyon POV:
I can't believe it.. Yoon Bomi... She..
I was heading to a cafe to have a drink with my friends. I wanted a plan to "warn" Bomi. I was sitting in a table when suddenly I see Baekhyun comming towards me. I panicked and quickly took a book to hide my face. I took a peek and saw him waiting at a table not to far away from me.
Is he perhaps waiting for someone?
30 minutes has passed. I cancelled my meeting with my friends cause my curiosity got the best of me. Then, Bomi came. Urgh.. I knew it. She sat down in front of him and they started talking.What are they talking about? I moved to a closer table making sure they don't notice me. I sat down and listened to their conversation. I listened to all their conversation. When it was time for them to leave, I followed them.   When they were outside, I was hiding behind a pole. I peeked and tries listening to their convo when I suddenly see Bomi back hugging Baek.
I was shocked to see Baek blush, But I wasn't jealous. I guess Baekhyun is right.. I never had any special feelings for him after all. I quickly ran home and head to my room.

End of flashback

I felt guilt in my heart. I wasn't actually in love with him. I guess what I only wanted was his popularity. Im such a .... He doesn't love me anymore.
I smirked. Argh.. Yoon Bomi you really.. are amazing.. You changed Baekhyun. Only 1 more thing left to do.
I dialled Baekhyun's phone number.
"Hello? Taeyeon-ah?"
"Baekhyun, meet me at the park NOW. "
[Play music while reading this]
I waited for him at the park. As promised, Baek came.
"What did you wanna talk about?"
I stood up and I hugged him.
I broke the hug and looked down "Lets break up" . After saying those words, I looked up to him and looked at him in the eye. He was shocked, but nothing else. I couldn't see a single trace of sadness written in his face. I guess he moved on.
After a few seconds of silents he finally spoke.
" Isn't it obvious? I never seen you as a man Baek... And I know that you like Bomi. "
I sighed. "I over heard your conversation with Bomi at the cafe. "
"Baek, you don't deserve to be with me. I had never given you real happiness have I? I never said "I Love you" to you. Im sorry, but I can't do this. I feel so guilty. You should be with her, Bomi, she is the one who can make you truly happy not me. She is the one who changed you Baek. So lets end this. Im moving to Amercia"
"I see, so your moving. I understand and your right. Its true that I've fallen for Bomi, but I did love you alot. Never forget that. "
I nodded and started tearing up.
"Im sorry..."
He quickly brought me to a hug "Me too. I gotta go now, so stay safe Taeyeon...Noona"
He broke the hug and we both left our separate ways.
Im glad this ended peacefully. Good bye Baekhyun.

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