His feelings

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Bomi's POV:
Sunday has passed and it's time to go to school. I just woke up from up my sleep, and the scene from yesterday appeared in my head.
I felt my cheeks turning red as I felt how hot it was.
I kissed him... On the cheek. Aish, How should I face Baekhyun now?
I ruffled my hair and quickly got ready for school. I put on my uniform and head downstairs.
"Eomma,I'm leaving now." I said as I grabbed a piece of bread.
"Wait, Bomi I gotta tell you som-"
"Sorry Mom, I don't have time, tell me later okay?" I yelled as I was heading towards the door.
"Thats *Door shuts* not it..." Her mom sighed and continued her work.

As I was running to the school gates, I noticed that Baekhyun was in front. I stopped running and quickly hid behind a wall. Is he waiting for some one?"
I inhaled and exhaled.
I took a step and noticed that Baekhyun was in front of me.
"Omo omo... " I said as I try to walk past him.
He grabbed my hand "Wae? What's wrong with you? Ah, ahhhhhh. Are you still shy from what happened yesterday? ". He said as he looked in my eyes
I blushed and avoided his gaze. "A-aniyo. It's just that, I have... A-anyways, what do you want from me?"
"Wae? I can't walk with you?"
I remained silent for a few seconds.
Baekhyun then grabbed my hand and he intertwined his fingers mines "You don't mind do you?" I blushed for a bit and sighed.
I let out a smile "I don't mind"
As were entering the school gates, we both noticed people murmuring.
I looked at Baekhyun and he did the same.
I noticed 2 girls talking with each other
And heard their conversation.
Girl 1: There holding hands...
Girl 2: Are they dating?!
Girl 1: No way? Bomi with Baekhyun? How can she fall in love with him?
Girl 2: I know right, his face is good looking and all but his attitude. 

When I heard those words coming from their mouth, I let go of Baekhyun's hands and headed towards them.
"Baekhyun isn't like that. He isn't what you think he is... He is caring, cool, aw-"
"Bbom-ah let's go" he said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the classroom.
We were walking at the hallway and stopped for awhile.
"I hate them... " I said
"Its cool, I don't mind them at all." He said as he patted my head.
"But they talk bad about you..."  I pouted.
He chuckled "Let's go class is starting now. "
I nodded and we both entered the classroom.
As soon as we entered the class, our eyes widen. There was a message in the blackboard and we heard people murmuring.
"Yoon Bomi and Byun Baekhyun is dating. "
"Yoon Bomi stole Baekhyun away from his other girlfriend"
"What a ****"

Baekhyun's POV:
When I read those my fist tightened. I quickly grabbed the eraser and erased everything. I then grabbed Bomi's wrist and brought her to the front.
"Who did it" I asked.
No one replied.
"Who! " I yelled.
I sighed.
"Bomi and I are not dating. Bomi did not steal me away. She isn't the reason why my girlfriend and I broke up. So don't talk bad about her. I don't care if you talk bad about me but I swear, if I hear you people bad mouthing her ... You will have no tomorrow."
Suddenly a mysterious boy asked "If you guys are not dating then why are you protecting her that much?"
I looked at him "Yah, I can't protect my childhood friend? Your saying that I can't protect her that much because we are not dating? If so then fine."
I pulled Bomi's wrist and brought her closer to me.
"Then Bomi and I are official." I said.
The class was in silence.
I looked at Bomi who was about to tear up. I looked at the class one more time and I dragged Bomi to the rooftop.
When we reached the rooftop, it was silent. Bomi and I did not say a word.
It was silent for about a minute until Bomi decided to speak up.
"Im sorry... For making you say that. " she said as she bowed her head.
"Actually... I meant to say that."
She quickly looked up with a confuse face.  
I scratched the nape of my neck
"Ive been thinking about it for awhile now and... I..."
"I?" She said with her head tilted.
"I realize that I've fallen for you"

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