Broken promise.

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<<Flash back>> At the age of 13.
Bomi : Baekhyun ah, please don't leave me ... *cries*
Baekhyun: Mianhe Bomi shii... But I have to obey my parents.
Bomi: Then promise me, one day we will meet again, and when we do, will you make me your bride?
Baekhyun: *Blushes* O-of course .. Since you  were my first love , and it  hurts me not being able to see you anymore.  But I will find you again.. And we will get married, and you will become my bride.
Mrs.Byun: Baek we gotta go! Say your good bye to Bomi.
Bomi: Baek..I love you...Take care.
Baekhyun: I love you to.

<<4 yrs later>>
No one POV:
Bomi: Omma , I'm leaving now!
Mrs.Yoon: Okay take care! Good luck on your first day of school. Try making some new friends!
Bomi: Mhm!
Bomi left and headed her way to  school.

Bomi's POV:
*Waaaah ! I arrived at school and I stood there amazed by how big the school is. I changed school , and my previous was pretty small, but this place is huuge!"
????: Yoon Bomi? Is that really you?
I turned around and see a familiar face.
" Jung Ilhoon? "
Ilhoon: Yes! I can't believe you actually remember me.
"Duh, I remember! You were like my best friend! "
*He is Jung Ilhoon. He was my best friends since 2 grade,though he changed school two years after. *
We hugged each other and we both head find our class .

*Hmm lets see...Ah there I am! So class 5-B.. *
I head over to my class and there I see Ilhoon.
I walked over  him , and  hear people murmuring about me.
Boy 1: Hey isn't that girl pretty cute?
Boy 2 : Yeah, she is totally my type   .
Girl 1 : Omg she is sooo pretty !
Girl 2 : I wanna be like her.. I bet she is smart,athletic, a good singer, good painter etc.
*haha actually, when I heard those I started chuckling, because all of that were true. I was the smartest,athletic, best singer etc in my previous school. My classmates often called me "Miss.Perfect".
" Ilhoon  " I said.
He turned around and said:
"Oh Yoon Bomi ! Your in my class again!"
I nodded and smiled.
Once again I heard murmuring.
Girl 1: And she is friends with Jung Ilhoon soo freakin luckyy.
Girl 2: argh soo lucky.
/bell rings/

Teacher: Okay class go back to your seat. Every will have to stand up and present themselves. Is everyone here?
Girl 1: Teacher ! Byun Baekhyun isn't here!
"Hm? Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun!? No way he is in this school? Im so happy :) I wanna meet him again..I really miss him...
Teacher: argh that troublemaker again..we will start without him.


[Lunch Time]
*Baekhyun isn't here..where is he..? *
Ilhoon : Bomi lets go. To the cafeteria.
"Ah sure but do you where Byun Baekhyun is? "
Ilhoon: Yeah I do, im an acquientence  of his.. But why would you look for him? He hates girls.
"Actually im a friend of his also.. Can u please just tell me where he is?"
Ilhoon: o-okay, he usually hangs out in the backyard of our school. You will see a big rock , and there you will see a bench. He usually eats and talks with his friends there.
"Thanks "

I head over to that place.
*Baekhyun...Please be there..*
I arrived and I see someones head.
"Baekhyun!" . I stop in front and see him kissing a girl.

He notices me and they both broke the kiss.
Baekhyun: What the hell are you doing!? Who are you?
"B-Baekhyun don't you remember me? Its me Yoon Bomi.. "
Baekhyun: Um I dont know you so can you leave? Im doing something with my girlfriend.
*That word really hurt me*
"But, how do you not remember me? We were childhood friends and we.. ." *I then started crying*
Baekhyun: look i dont who you are so leave. Get your ugly face away from me.
I walked away crying and bumped to someone .
????: oh sorry.. W-wait why are you crying? Did Baekhyun do something to you?
"Baekhyun, that jerk.. I cant believe he forgot about me"
????: were you perhaps a friend of his?
I nodded .
????:....come with me.

Okies~~ so this was the first chapter of my book. Hope you guys enjoy it and support please~~

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