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Bomi's POV:
"I realize that I've fallen for you"
My eyes widen. "You what..? "
He sighed and cupped my cheeks. "I li-love you. "
I stared at his brown eyes "You mean it?"
He smiled as a response.
"No way..." I said, as tears drip down.
He pulled me in a hug and whispered" Yes way"
I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a few seconds.
I can't believe this.
I broke the hug "S-so can I finally call you mine...?  I asked, head down.
He chuckled for a bit and responded "Yeah, and I you know what in gonna call you?"
"What? "
"Ja-gi-ya~ " he said as he winked at me.
I felt my ears redden "M-m-mwo!? W-why-"
"Why? Remember our promise? You said; "promise me, one day we will meet again, and when we do, will you make me your bride?"
And guess what Bbom-ah" he said as leaned closer.
I took a step back, trying to avoid his gaze "W-what?"
He let a smile and whispered "Once were done with high school, our promise will be fulfilled."
My eyes widen and I let out a smile. "You really..." I said as I hugged him.
I felt one of his hand around my waist and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. My eyes widen but I gladly kissed him back. I wrapped an arm around his neck and the other, we interlocked our fingers.   Tears fell from my eyes once more. He broke the kiss and wiped away my tears "Why? You have many chances on crying, but why do you chose this time? Come on.. Don't waste your tears. Be happy" he said as a patted my head.  I shook my head "I know but... Im happy... Tht our feelings are mutual. " 
"Me too " he said with a smile.


Sorry for this short chapter ._."
Mianhe chingu's... I still have alot of work to be done so I won't have time to update atm. Since people's been telling me to update, here we go! A little gift to all you Baekmi fans :>
Also, here is a little preview for the next chapter ^^ :
"Bomi...Im sorry"
"This isn't fair...just when I finally reunited with him...Why? Why now!?"
"Bbom-ah...you can't be serious... Why now? Please don't ----"
"Im sorry."

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