Halfcrazy ₪ VII

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"This is probably the first time I've gotten you all to myself without Asia's assistance." Connie took witness to.

"My lady had a important photoshoot today, she also had a important meeting on trying to make her own magazine. I'm real proud of her doing her thing, this is all her and she's been holding her own."

"Were you worried at first with the business?"

"A little bit, she has connections but I was concerned it wouldn't take off like it did."

"Good morning Ms. Palms, we're ready for you now." The doctor said.

"I'll be out here."

Connie was going to get her staples removed from her chest, Asia's schedule was conflicted so I had the chance to bring her. Seeing them together made feel iffy, not that anybody is scheming against another. I mean, I wanted this to happen. The two of them together is a great thing, no drama at all for me but it don't seem right that they are in harmony. I'm certain it won't last knowing Asia's true feeling towards Connie. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt though, maybe Asia buried the hatchet and is trying to turn over a new leaf. After everything we've been through it's a big step and I'm actually cool with her if she wants to be friends I'm just not down for any shared secrets. This ain't like some damn cooking recipes. Connie has a way of making slick comments at Asia when she doesn't mean to, Asia will take that chance to break her in two if need be.

"I feel so much better, still sore but I'm better." Connie said returning.


"I was, but it feels like somebody just kicked me in my chest. Now once these dissoluble stitches dissolve I'll be good  . You mind calling the day short?"

"Not at all," holding the door open as we walked to my car.

"I feel like it's been a minute since we talked."

"We talk here and there throughout each month."

"I'm saying like talk talk, intimately about ourselves and about life. I want to know you, feel what's been going on in your life. Are you happy? Things like that."

"Everything is everything."

"But are you happy?"

"I honestly am, it's nothing I can say I wish different."

"And Asia?"

"Asia is always going to be Asia, you can probably start to see why everything is good with her. That's my baby, my wife, my life. I wouldn't trade her --," I stopped myself from saying anything that would hurt her feelings.

"To be honest, I'm very happy for you I'm getting to see her for herself. I see a lot of myself in her, for good reason she's a afraid of losing you. I feel she's somewhat afraid of me too."

"Afraid, no. Bothered, yes. It's the same thing I told her, we all have history with one another. I'm married and I ain't wasting no time ruining what I built because I'm tempted to take my dick out my pants."

"Call it what you want I'm just saying, she's expecting us to go back to arguing with each other. Trey I'm just trying to live my life, I love you but I'm not in love with you. Maybe if I sit her down and we talk she'll stop thinking I'm always after you."

"You can waste your breath all you want, I know my wife and she'll just think you plotting for a comeback."

She laughed, "I'm not even going to be disrespectful right now and say what I was going to. I like Asia I do, I just want the animosity to stop. If I want to see you then dammit I'll make that happen, if she want to tag along then it cool. But when I want you to myself, I'll have that too."

Halfcrazy : ( Trey Songz Story )Where stories live. Discover now