Chapter 11

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"Hey I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you." I said embarrassed as I was facing Justin. Wait why is he in my room?

"What's up?" He said chuckling at my embarrassment. "Doing homework... Not to be mean but why are you in my room?" He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the bean bag.

"Junior down there is boring and the kids are knocked out so I came here but I'm beginning to wonder is that a mistake." He said slowly.

Damn it, I sound like a bitch now.

"No! You're good, I just finished up so do you want to do something?"

He nodded and he looked through my things. Why? I don't know. I'm bored now.

"Pool? Movies? Ice skating rink? Trampoline park? Hi-"

"Trampoline park! Hands down!"

"Just us?" He asked as he was looking through my vinyls. I shrugged "if you want, Junior wouldn't mind but would you think it'll be weird?"

He stopped and plopped down on the bean bag in the corner near my record player. "Nope, why would it be? Let's go!"

We both got what we needed and told Junior. He didn't really seem to be bothered as he was playing Star Wars  Battlefront. I used to play it on the PlayStation 2 but I guess they remade it for the PlayStation 4. I kissed him goodbye and checked on the kids before I left with Justin.

When we arrived at "Flight" and I saw a couple people from my school and avoided them as best I could. Please, I can't deal with people from my school today....

We both bought socks and get a locker to put out things away. I changed in the bathroom into Nike Shorts and a comfortable shirt that I can sweat in. I got out and Justin was waiting for me on the bench.

We both went into the trampoline section and went straight to it. When I first got on it, I was surprised because of its bounciness but I soon adjust and began doing flips and tried to out do Justin. He obviously won...

We soon joined a game of dodge ball in a section, I was on the other team of Justin. After what felt like hours, it was just Justin and two other guys and on my team was two guys (who may I add very attractive, yeah yeah I have a boyfriend) and me.

We huddled up and made a plan as we were on a short break because we looked like we were close to passing out. The whistle blew and chaos broke loose.

They were going for the weaker one, me. Surprise, surprise. I turned on my master ninja skills and dodge every single one and I caught one which eliminated the other person. 3 to 2. Soon enough, it was 2 to 1. Justin being the last.

Next thing I knew, I was alone. Well isn't the odds in my favor? (Can you sense my sarcasm?) He began throwing the balls like a mad man (crazy) but me being a pro, I dodged them.

But the last one... I was about to get hit in the face and then I did some cool matrix thingy and caught the ball. Where did I get this from? I have no clue. But hey! I won!

The lights came back in the area and I began to laugh at Justin's face. Priceless. "Justin! I win! I win! You know who won? Not you! We are the champions! " and that's when I began singing.

Then I realized something, I'm in public. Well damn. But hey! I won!

After another hour worth of flips and games, we went home all sweaty and I still was rubbing it in his face. He always win! But not today! Okay I'm getting annoying.

He went straight into the kitchen and got water. "You cheated! The ball did touch you!" I began laughing and began pinching his cheeks.

"AWWE Wittle Justin doesn't like loosing? " I heard footsteps but ignored them.

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