Chapter 1

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(Danielle's POV)

"Honey you need to get up for school!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "OK!!! IM UP!!!" I yelled back. I looked at my alarm clock and read 5:30 am. Wow mom. First day of school and you wake me up at 5:30? School starts at 7:30. Might as well use up my time charging my phone and choosing what to wear.

I got up and grabbed my phone from the night stand and plugged it into my speaker and it began to charge. I went straight to my closet and looked for first day of school clothes that looked decent.

I decided on a pair of  jeans, a black off the shoulder long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of my Sperrys.

I went into the bathroom and stripped out my clothes and hopped into the shower. I shaved my legs, Shampooed my hair, and conditioned it. I rinsed myself off and turned off the shower and got changed.

I went outside the bathroom and looked at my iPhone X It said it was 6:30. I dried my hair and brushed it and applied mascara and Chapstick.

I grabbed my charger and my phone and walked down the stairs and saw Lexi and Bambi, my dogs on the couch sleeping. My mom would be so mad but she's at work and my dad is too but they don't get home until 12:00 or even 1:00 am.

I went into the kitchen and made myself my homemade waffles and got my orange juice. I quickly ate and brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag and put It over my shoulder.

I got out the house quietly and checked the time. 7:14. School is a 10 minute drive but it's a 25 minute walk. Might as well I take my car since I might be late. I looked over the the Range Rover and the Mustang but then I realized I got the keys for the mustang. I climbed in my 2017 white mustang. I may have a "nice" car but its only because my parents spend a lot of unnecessary amount of money on me when I just wanted a normal car but clearly they won.

~~~ at school~~~~

After driving I parked in the same space as last year and walked into the school and got out my schedule and looked at the top to see where my locker was and walked over to it.

C2097. I quickly opened it worried that someone "popular" would see me here.

I put the things I don't need away and organized it a bit. I looked at the time and it was 7:24. I continued to clean a bit when I looked up and saw Junior aka the schools man whore right next to my locker opening his locker.

I quickly got my bag from my locker and closed it and walked away before he noticed me. I walked at my normal pace now when I saw my classroom. Of course I was the first one here so I sat in the front following the seating arrangement my teacher ,

Ms. Hamilton told me about.

After the majority of the class got here the bell rang and the teacher talked about safety but clearly I didn't care. Sure I am quiet but doesn't mean I want to hear my teacher lecture us about safety and the rules. A couple of seconds later the door opened and of course it was the man whore himself.

"Ah! Mr. Anderson! Nice of you to join my class. Could you sit next to Danielle?" She asked. Junior stood there and furrowed his eye brows. "The empty sit next to the girl in the back." One of the girls said. He winked at her and walked over to me and sat down.

"Hey! Your a girl! I thought you were going to be a guy. I thought she said Daniel" Junior said. "Well you can tell I'm not a guy so leave me alone" I said. "Don't have to be mean baby. Just calm down." He said holding his hands up in surrender. "I ain't your baby so please just leave me alone" I said in a nicer tone. He just nodded and pulled out his phone.

This is going to be a long day.

~~~~family Consumers~~(A/N sorry Idk what you call it but that's what I call it)

I sat in class and guess what? I sat next to Junior the man whore in every single class. Thank god it's the last class then I'm out. I sat there while Junior was tapping his desk with his pencil which was irritating.

"Can you stop that?" I asked.

"Oh yeah sure. My bad" he said and out his pencil down. I just stared at the clock until my teacher got up to give "important" news.

"Good afternoon class. The reason Im up here telling you something is because we have a project which is really important. This involves you and your partner plus someone else. And that someone else is a baby. Everyone will have a fake baby except a couple. I'll give you the partner list and you'll have to make arrangements for this fake baby and I can tell when a baby is crying because of the baby monitor on the back of the baby. Good luck." Said Ms.Tyler and sat down.

She gave out the list to everyone and then I found my name right next to juniors. What?!? That can't be! It had to be a typo or something. I looked over at Junior and he actually looked calm. What? Why is he calm?!

"Danielle and Junior? Can I see you two?"asked Ms.Tyler asked. I nodded and got up with Junior following. "Yes?" I asked. "Well we decided that you two should have a challenge since your both doing very well in school. We decided that you should have a real baby." She said. "What?" Me and junior asked at the same time.

"This isn't optional. Either you do this or you will fail the year with a solid F. You both have failed to show interest and I am no longer being lenient." She said. I just nodded and looked over at Junior. He just looked terrified. You can tell he didn't want to do this as much as me.

"After school meet me up at the main office and be there by 2:45." She said before the bell rang. Great. I have to be at the office in 5 minutes.

I went back to the desk and grabbed my things and left. I walked all the way up stairs to leave my bag at my locker which took 3 minutes and cam back down to see the empty halls. I quickly walked to the main office and saw Ms.Tyler and Junior there. I guess I'm a but late.

"Hey sorry I was upstairs to leave my bag and too much people shoving and pushing." I said quickly and she just smiled and told me to sit down.

"Ok so we are going to a adoption center and your going to chose a kid. This will last until June. That means you have the whole school year with your child." She said.

~~~~~~Adoption center~~~~~~

When I walked in the adoption center the lady at the front told me to look around and call her when we are done. I walked with Junior until we reached a really big colorful room with TVs an toys with little kids everywhere. Probably ages 2-8.

I looked over at junior but he was already out of sight. When I found him he was playing with a little boy that looks like him. They were playing with you cars. I've never seen him like this.

Maybe he isn't bad. Maybe. Just maybe it's all an act. But who am I to say?

{A/n }

HEY!!! IM NEW AT THIS SO PLEASE DON'T JUDGE. And I know rough Around the corners but I'll fix it. Anyways thanks for reading!


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