Chapter 5

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(Danielle's POV)
I looked at his black shinny Mercedes without getting into it. "Aren't you coming Ba- I mean Dani?" He asked. I simply nodded and grabbed the door handle and got in slowly.

As he warmed up the car he stared at me when he thought I wasn't looking. Did I have a booger? Pimple? I looked back at him but this time he didn't turn away. He actually smiled. Showing off his pearly white teeth or the first time. Usually I see him smirk or grin. Weird huh?

The rest of the car ride I sat awkwardly next to him starring out the window. Some time during the ride he turned on the radio and sweater weather came on. I softly hummed but all I heard besides the music is the car it's self.

I starred at the different landscapes. Different trees and colors and how things stood out while things were in the background. But every little thing seemed to be different? The buildings that use to attract my attraction is now dull and grey. The trees now cut down that use to have the most beautiful colors in Fall. The children who use to run around here are now grown.

The car came to a halt and of course we were here. Well I mean the doctors. I haven't been to the doctors in a long time. My parents use to take me when I was young but since my parents lost interest in their only child I had to grow up faster.

"You coming?" Junior's voice interrupted me from my thoughts.
"Uh yeah but I have some questions..."I said trailing off. "Shoot." I had billions of questions running through
my head but only one question seemed to be more important. "What happen in the past two weeks?" I asked quietly.

"Well...the baby project. We ended up being partnered up and we needed a so called challenge so we ended up adopting two kids. Chloe and Luke. We chose Chloe since she looks like me and she really was different. Luke because he seemed like a good kid but he seemed..lost? You could say? Anyways we were taking care of the kids. We're home schooled now. AKA online schooling. Justin really comes over a lot and I guess he's like a uncle to the kids."he said smiling bigger.

"Thanks for the update?" I said more like a question. He have me the "no problem" look . "Let's get going! Your going to be late for your appointment." He said chuckling. That chuckle.. It's so perfect. I nodded and got out the car going for the door but then an arm snaked around my waist and opened the door. My heart fluttered and beating faster. Why?

"DANIELLE MONROE?!" Yelled a nurse. "Here." I called out and follow the lady. I looked back at Junior and he was sitting in waiting room. Was he really going to stay and wait for me?

"Come on Ms. Monroe. The doctors waiting." She said and I nodded and went through those massive doors.

When we finally got to the room, it was so...familiar. The colors and the chairs. Even the smell. It doesn't have a bad smell. A good one actually. Like something fresh.

"So Ms.monaroe. What was the last thing you remember?" He asked not looking up from his clipboard.

"Uh I remember being partnered up for the baby project? Then I woke up this morning in a guys room. When I got up I went down the stairs and I was in a house I didn't know I was in. When I got downstairs I saw two kids. I think Junior, a guy in my school, told me their names were Chloe and Luke? yeah that's their names. He told me we were partnered up for the baby project but I honestly don't remember that part. And I don't remember being friends with Junior. I cant even remember the last time I talked to him." I said babbling once again.

"So where is this Junior?" he asked. "He's in the waiting room and waiting for me I think." I even confuse myself now. Great. Just perfect. "Do you mind waiting in the waiting rom while I talk to him in private?" He asked. I simply nodded and hopped off the chair since it was a high chair.

I walked into the waiting room quietly and I saw something that made my heart flutter. Junior playing with a 1 or 2 year baby. The baby giggled as he was chasing her. I think he knew her. When he caught her he tickled her and she was laughing and showed all the teeth that's growing in. "jun-ior!" she said in between laughs with her baby voice. After a while I cleared my throat. He looked at me for a while then put the little girl down.

"hey uh how long were you standing there." He asked shyly. "Long enough to see that you love little kids, oh yeah the doctor wants to see you." I said. He rubbed the back of his neck while he got up. He walked into the door like nothing. Like this was a familiar place to him.

(Junior's Pov.)

I sat in the waiting room until I saw my baby cousin, Bella. I chased her around and tickled her as I waited for Dani. She had dark blonde hair and with her brown eyes full of adventure and compassion. God she reminds me of my little 3 year old sister. They are cousins.

When I saw Danielle she looked confused. Of course she was. I was acting like a Softy instead of the ass whole I was at school. She awkwardly stood there trying not to smile. "How long have you been there?" I asked embarrassed. "Long enough to see that you love kids. Oh yeah! They doctor wants to see you."she said. I got up and walked through the door without a invitation.

My uncle is the owner of this place. Yeah he's a doctor. "So I heard she slept over at your house. Don't hurt her. OK? She isn't like those other girls. Shes your childhood best friend. Yes she doesn't remember this but don't hurt her like everyone else did." he said with sympathy in his eyes.

My mom and her mom were best friends. Until my mom died. then we stopped talking. One day when I was 7 I heard Dani was in the hospital because of her uncle. He was babysitting her and then the horny bastard beat her because she refused to take of her clothes. Thank god her dog woke up and bit her uncle.The neighbor heard and went over to her house. He was 17 and he saved her. Her uncle is in jail for a life sentence.

After that I promised that no one will hurt her. Including myself but I broke that promise. When Ruben hurt her that day I had a "talk' with him and he ended up with a black eye, a broken jaw and didn't come to school for a week. I didn't either since I was suspended. But it was worth it.

Why did I stop talking to her? Was it because she reminded me of my mom? Is it because I don't want to remember? I am full of regrets... One of them is hurting every girl I every met. I regret not taking care of my family when we were drifting away from each other. I regret not taking care of the love of my life while she was depressed and struggling a lot in life.

"Junior? Hello?!" I heard my uncle repeat. "Huh?" I said confused. "Just take care of the ' 'love of your life'" he said chuckling. "Uh yeah I will." I said laughing nervously. He nodded as he left and I walked behind him.

When I walked in a I saw Danielle but she looked pained. Like she's remembering everything. She held her head rubbing her temples as she forced her eyes shut. She let out a few tears and I quickly ran over to her. "Danielle?! Baby. Are you ok? Danielle? Stay with me. You can hear me right?" I held her and pulled her into a hug.

"J-Jun-ior. I-it hurts." She whimpered. "What hurts? What hurts Danielle?" I asked holding her face with my hands gently to see her face. "Pl-please don't l-let m-m-my uncle h-urt me." She sobbed. "Shh shh. I'm here dani. I won't let him touch you princess." I said. She went for a unexpected hug which I returned almost immediately.

"Let's go get the doctor." I said and held her by the waist as we walked to his office. "Uncle Mike. What's going on with her? Help!" I said worried about Dani as she began to shake.

"What did she say? Do you know what's it about?!" He asked. I have him the look and his eyes widened. "She's remembering everything. Everything." He said. I put my hand through my hair as a sigh escaped my mouth. "What can I do?" I asked looking at Danielle in my arms.

She shook slightly and I tighten my grip a bit but I wasn't squishing her. She looked into my blue eyes with her emerald green ones. She looked scared and confused. I kissed her forhead and she put her put on my chest.

"Be with her. Help her when she has memories coming back. Help her understand. You have to help her. She needs rest and be by her side. Even with the kids. The kids can help her remember too. Act like a family you always wanted. Be a family. The ones you loved hearing when you were little." He said. I nodded and gave him a thank you look as I walked out the office and out the doctors.

We were in the car and she fell asleep some time during the car ride. She looked uncomfortable so I let her rest her head on my shoulder but she ended up cuddling in my chest. I drove all the way home and I saw another car in the drive way. It was Brandon's car.

Brandon was another close friend. Dark brown hair with piercing green eyes. I thought they were contacts but they aren't. He's built up well but isn't too buff. He isn't a player and he doesn't want to be one. He's single but he isn't looking for a relationship. He wants a scholarship in Football or in Math. He wants to be a football player and he's already got some offers and it's he's not in his last year in high school yet.

I think he's the good influence I get for school. Justin is just any other kid who goes to school and has advanced grades. Athletes are not stupid.

I got out the car and carried Dani inside and onto the couch. "Hey guys." I said as I saw them in the kitchen. "Hey Junior. Haven't seen you in a while." Brandon said eating a sandwich. I chuckled. "Long time you haven't ate my food right?" He laughed and nodded. "So where were you?" He

"I was at the doctors. Danielle forgot her memory and I took her. Seems like I have to take care of her more now. She's remembering everything and it hurts her head." I said. "Whose Danielle?" Asked Brandon.

"A girl who was in our school and I got parented up for the baby project. We have to take care of real life kids. But I love them." I said grinning. "And you love her." Justin mumbled. "Daddy! I want pizza!" Luke ran into my arms while Chloe ran into Justin's. "okay we'll order some." I said.
"Yay!!!!!" Luke yelled.

(Danielle's POV)

"Yay!" I heard a littles boy yell. Maybe that's Luke. The boy I take care of now. I got up and immediately got a shooting pain in my head. After a whole it went away. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Junior holding a boy which I assume is Luke. And some other random holding Chloe.

Remembering never been so hard....



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