Chapter Four Impulsive Passion

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"Are you alright?" He asked softly reaching out to feel my head. I took a deep breath.

"Yes I'm fine. I had a bad dream." I say. He smiles at me and tucks me back in as I lay down.

"Better get some sleep." He says and starts to walk back to the couch. My heart hurt for some reason the though of him going away hurt my heart. I just met this guy this can't be happening,its just a crush.

"Edwin....." I say softly to him. He turns around.

"What is it Kikki? Is something wrong?" He looked concern and walked back over. I felt so embarrass for what I was about to say,but I couldn't help my feelings.

"I'm.......I'm scared to sleep alone." He probably thinks I'm some little kid. I looked up at him half expecting him to laugh or think somethings wrong with me,but I just saw the sweetest smile.

He walked to the other side of the bed. I felt the cold air hit my back as he lifted up the blanket and snuggle in behind me. I was even more surprised when he warped his arm around my waist. He was so sweet after all,and he was so close. I could feel his soft flat chest against my back.

"Is this better?" He whispered into my hair. I couldn't help but roll over so I could look him in the eyes.

"Yes,I'm sorry." I said looking down. "I hadn't have a bad dream in so long,and from what happen tonight..." I trail off.

"Aww." He said softly and suddenly hugged me and help me very close. My face was buried in his neck and and I inhaled deeply and smelled his sweet aroma. His arms were so strong I couldn't move even if I wanted to. My legs awkwardly slid in-between his to better suit our sudden close embrace.

"I thought you would think that I was childish." I say,is this why hes hugging me maybe? Cause he thought I was a child that needed comfort?

"I never thought that."He said and pulled me closely to him. I heard him breath in deeply then breath out slowly.

"Really?" I say and look into his eyes looking for a trace that what he said was untrue. How could anyone not thank that was childish?

"Really." He said with a gentle smile. Oh those eyes,he looked at me so sweetly. They were so pretty in this dark light with the moon reflecting in them. He had so many good qualities. I couldn't sleep now. Not knowing that if I stayed awake I could look into those eyes. I don't care if it is just a stupid crush. Even though he will never love a simple girl like me,if I could just hold onto this moment.

"What do we do now?" I ask. It sounded stupid as soon as the words came out my mouth. What do we do now? What a stupid thing to say. Of-course we are suppose to sleep.

"If your not tired we could just stay like this." He said warmly,then met my eyes. Oh no not the eyes there so beautiful. What is he thinking? Does he really want to stay like this? With me,in his arms?

"You have very beautiful eyes." I say looking into them.

"Awww thank you." He replayed. There must be another reason why he wants to stay like this with me.

"I wanted to thank you again for saving me but I have to ask what were you doing in the alley tonight?" I asked. It was a honest question.

" I was walking down the street and I saw what was happening in the alley." He said with a smile and then he looked at me with those eyes again.

"I feel so stupid when I think about it. I had heard about all the bad things that can happen to young girls that room the streets at night. The gangs lately also had been reported in the area,but I thought they would only attack pretty girls. So I thought I was safe and I had walked home that way to many times before." I said. Then I heard him chuckle and felt his chest move as he laugh quietly in my hair.

"You are really pretty." He emphasize the word are. Really?Me? A rag wearing dirty little girl with noting to her name?

"Thats very nice of you to say,but I believe your saying that cause of the gentleman you are. I'm sure a wealthily young doctor has many women begging for him to wed them."

"No. I have no love interest at all. But you,you are beautiful. I'm not just saying that. If you want we can clean you up and you will see that..." He then lean his face in closer to mine. He closed his eyes to just slits and looked at with a certain tenderness. Don't tell me,that tenderness was toward me?

"You really thank you can make me look beautiful? It would be really hard." I say blushing.

"No it wouldn't. You have natural beauty." He said and lifted his hand up to stroke my cheek. I felt a cold chill go up my spine. No one had ever been this close to me,or touched me this way. With those hands I wonder how many girls has he made look beautiful,in more ways than one.

"I would love to see what you can do with those hands." The words came out but the way I said them was supposed to stay in my head. I said them so suggestively. He grinned like he understood what my words meant perfectly. He softly and slowly ran his hand down my face,he trace his finger down my arm and rub it down to my hip. My heart picked up as I felt him find the end of my dress and slowly slip his hand up it. I didn't stop him,cause I didn't want him to stop. I felt myself flinch as he softly touch my panties. He rubbed the soft lace that lined them and looked at me seductively.

"You would?" He asked in the same tone I had. His light feather strokes tickled my skin and teased my body. My heart felt light as a cloud and as warm as the sun. This wasn't just lust,it couldn't be there had to be more to this. It just felt so strong,I had never loved and never been loved and now this was all happening so fast. I needed it though,I had just met him but I felt safe I need his love. I look back up into his face. And it hit me. Like a wave crashing into me knocking me into rocks,like something was just right. Like he understood me,like he has always known me.

"You need love." He said gently and lean close so that the tip of our nose were touching. I felt his soft breath on my lips. His smile stay just as gentle.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Did he feel what I was feeling?Was that what this is?Love at first sight? I gasp a bit as his hand started to stroke me through my panties.

"Yes." I said looking into his eyes deeply. "Do you?"

He answered by closing his eyes and kissing me softly. His other hand slipped down my back and grope my butt tightly. My lips parted with a little moan and I felt his tongue slip into my wet mouth. He slowly slid down my panties as my hands went up his back and pulled off his shirt. He was beautiful,his skin was a deep Ivory color. He pressed me tightly to his body as he unzipped the back of my dress and thew it off the bed. My body must have felt hot against his,I could already feel the fire burning inside,and him just building on to that flame. I reached down and fumble around for his belt,he moved down from my lips and kissed me below my ear. I finely found his belt and got it off and he pulled his pants down. He then held me and rolled us over so I was siting on top of him. I laid on top of him running my fingers through his soft hair and kissing every inch of his face. One hand firmly placed on my butt and the other one softly cradling the side of my face. Then I felt his tongue run down my neck. My head arched back as his lips press rather hard on my neck. I felt his teeth as he kissed me then he pulled his head back and rolled us over again so he was over top me. With a deep moan he kissed my lips and pulled my legs up on his hips. My body tremble with desire and then I felt it. He pushed in hard and slowly and I hugged him close. I though I heard a growl,but it was hard to hear over my own breathing. He kissed my neck deeply as he slid out and back in. His arms held me tightly in place as we each took our time enjoying the moment. Then I felt his release and it was unlike anything I had felt before and I moan with the pleasure that corse through my body. He kissed my damp face and softly brushed the hair away from my eyes. My whole body felt tired and I couldn't move it even if I wanted to. He smiled and kissed my lips softly again and then laid down next to me in a gentle hug. I clanged to his body as he held me close. Then I thought I heard him say something. I looked up at him.

"What did you say?" He lean down and kissed my forehead with closed eyes and whisper.

"Move in with me."

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