Chapter Five Meeting

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I woke up to the sun shining on my bare back. It felt so warm and good. I didn't want to wake up,I wanted to stay in bed in these arms. Wait,someone was hugging me? I open my eyes and saw Edwin sleeping soundly next to me. Then It came back to me. Yeah thats right, he had saved me from my attackers last night and took me to his home. Then we.........

Edwin moved slightly and pulled me closer to him. He then opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled gently.

"Good morning beautiful." He said and kissed my forehead. Everything was happening so fast for us,but my words came so naturally.

"Love you." I said and felt the soft blush spread across my cheeks.

"Love you too." He whispered in my ear and kissed me softly and held me to him. I remembered now he had asked if I wanted to stay with him.

"About last night....." I said blushing. He pressed his fingers to my lips.

"Shhhh we can talk about it later,rest for now." As much as I wanted to rest and stay in his arms I felt if I didn't act now I may wake up from this dream.

"Wait." I said softly removing his fingers from my lips. "About what you asked. I want to,I want to stay here with you." He smile happily and went to say something, but just then there was a knock on the door. He looked up and sled out of bed and started putting his cloths on.

"Be right there." He said as he put his shirt on and went to the door. He opened the door, I couldn't see from where I was laying who was there.

"What is it?" Edwin asked.

"Good morning Edwin. There was another attack last night we lost two but manage to take down four of there own. One wolf was wounded the others want you to lead a attack into the woods and find it." It sounded like another male was talking. And what did he mean wolf? Did he mean like the animal or the creature? He paused for a moment.

"About that girl did you take her home?" The guy asked.

"She will be staying with me from now on. In any case, thats just one wolf and its wounded. My assistance is not needed." Could they really be talking about werewolfs?

"I will assure them then that everything is o-k see you later Edwin." The man said politely and walked away. Edwin closed the door and walked back to the bed smiling.

"Is that o-k?" I asked. "I mean what wolfs are you talking about?" I asked. He couldn't mean werewolfs could he?

"I'm sorry,this was an awkward way for you to find out. I was gonna tell you myself. Aside from being a doctor, I protect people from monsters." He said looking at me softly. So he did hunt werewolfs! I tried picturing him facing one of those huge creatures. How could he do it,he looked like one hit would crush him.

"How can you do that!?" I just might have found my true love and hes going to go and get himself killed."You could be killed! Do you know how dangerous they can be!?" I felt the wet tears run down my hot face.

He seemed to frown and then puzzlement crossed his face. "Well....lets just say I've been in this line of work for a very, very long time, and I'm very hard to kill. Its dangerous, but someone must do it." There was truth in his words,but why him? I've lived alone all those years now I have something to live for and he wants to go and get himself killed. I felt so empty inside,what would I do? I felt my heart pick up as I picture it,alone again? It can't happen can it?

"Hey." He said as he cradle my face in his hands. "Don't worry so much. Theres a good reason why you shouldn't worry,but I'm not ready to tell you just yet. Trust that noting bad will happen to me. I'm more concerned about the smile thats disappeared from your face."

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