Chapter Twenty Nine Healing Up

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Kiss Me Softly-Chapter Twenty Nine-Healing Up

Kikki's Point Of View

I felt my body throb and it felt like a beating heart as it did. But there was no pain just soreness. I felt a hand in mine and I open my eyes thinking I would see Edwin,but Jace was siting there in a chair next to the bed. I thought I had heard Edwin? Had I imaged it? Jace looked like he had seen better days,he looked tired and was staring down at the bed like he might fall to sleep any moment.

"Jace...." My voice sounded a little better,a bit more clear. Jace's head shot up and he looked at me and smile tightening his grip on my hand.

"Kikki you awake! How do you feel?" He asked looking at me.

"I've felt better,but I'm still breathing so thats a plus." I smiled and my face felt a bit stiff I wonder how long I had been here. "Wheres Edwin? I thought I herd other people....." Jace patted my hand.

"There all here Kikki. Malcolm is downstairs sleeping,and Edwin is talking with his mom and dad. Allen and Gin are here as well there in the other room I think." He looked at me for a moment then smiled. "I'll go tell Edwin your up. I"m sure you want to see him." I nodded happy Jace understood without me having to say anything. "I need to go get Allen as well he wanted to have a look at you when you woke up." Jace got up. "I'll be right back." He said and took off out of the room. I looked down at my hand realizing it didn't hurt any more. It didn't have a cast on it and I was scared to move it,but I had to try. I held it up and wiggle my fingers but there was no pain to them just the stiffness I had felt before. It had been broken I was sure of it,it couldn't have healed that quick. The door swung open so fast I jumped and flinched. I felt arms around me in a second holding me closely and rocking me softly back and forth. I take a deep breath and recognize the smell like it was imprinted in my mind.

"Edwin!" I yelled and hugged him back tightly.

"Kikki,my Kikki." He said softly rubbing my back. "I'm so glad your awake dear." He kissed my head softly and I held me close to me.

"Me too Edwin,I've missed you so much." Tears washed down my face,I was back in Edwin's arms there was no one in the world as happy as I was right now. "When I heard you where going to fight Ian and that you wouldn't be as strong.....I didn't know if I would ever see you again. And then the things that Simon said he was going to do to me...." I barred my face in his chest as if no matter how hard I tried I was close enough to him. I think he knew,cause then he picked me up softly and moved me over so he could join me on the bed and hold my whole body to him.

" that the leader of the other pack of wolves?" He asked his voice sounding deadly and sharp. I nodded wondering if Malcolm had told him anything. "He broke your wrist too?" He asked rubbing my back. I nodded again. I felt his grip on me tighten as if trying to push something out of his mind. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I looked up at his face.

"There was noting you could of done Edwin. And I handle myself pretty well I think,for a human." I said smiling. He laughed a soft warm laugh.

"Yes,for a human getting a broken wrist cuts all over your body almost drowning and getting torn up you did very well. But for a werewolf that had no ideal what was going to happen to her you did fantastic." He said looking into my surprised eyes. How did he find out about me being a werewolf?Now that I thought of it what was Malcolm and him doing here? Edwin must have saw the panic in my eyes and he touch my cheek and looked at me sweetly. "Kikki Malcolm told me everything. He told me about you being his sister and about you being a werewolf. Everything." He said and kissed my lips softly.

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