Chapter Twenty Long Shot

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Why Edwin? I don't understand. Why did he do it? I sucked in a deep hard breath. My body felt so heavy and sore,how long had I been sleeping like this? I felt light headed and even when I open my eyes I felt like I might nod off to sleep again. The ceiling I was looking at looked old and gray. I turned my head and body and saw a little basement window,so I was in someone's basement. Had Edwin put me here? Where was he?

"Kikki?" I heard someone say my name and I tried to move but they where talking from behind me and I couldn't move my head to see them I didn't have the energy. I felt a soft warm hand brush hair out of my face,it felt familiar. "Its o-k Kikki I'm here." Who was that? It didn't sound like Edwin. The person placed a blanket over me and rubbed my back soothingly. "Edwin said you might feel a little light headed or weak when you woke up. Don't try to rush though and get up to fast take it easy." The person placed there hand on my head. "You feel a little cold still." The person then climbed on the bed with me and warped there arms around me. If I could I would of bit them,but I still didn't have the energy to. "You should be getting warmer soon I told him that it would be better if I moved you to a warmer place. But he insisted that keeping you here would be the best thing for you." I could tell it was a mans voice,and I had herd it before. His warm body started to heat me up though and I felt some of my strength returning to me. "Edwin is still at the party I guess,he said he would come down and check on you later tonight around one. He also said you needed to eat and drink something cause you hadn't for a while." I tried to move my body I could feel my legs and arms now,it wouldn't be long before I could get out of this bed. "Kikki take it easy. I don't want you to get hurt. Edwin said I could use any means to keep you down here so don't try to run." Now I was worried. I waited and didn't say noting then I open my mouth and said very softly.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"Sure I'll be right back." The person said. I waited to feel there weight leave the bed then I bolted for the window. But I moved to fast my legs wouldn't hold me up they where still numb. Though it didn't matter the person very quickly garbed me and pulled me back down on the bed. I tried to break free from there grasp.

"Kikki stop it!" Then I recognized the voice. I stooped moving and he loosen his grip. I turned around and found out I was right.

"What are you doing here?" Malcolm released me completely and looked at me sternly.

"Edwin told me to look after you while he takes care of something." What in the world?

"What do you mean?" I looked around was I still in Edwin's home? "Where am I? Did you take me somewhere? Edwin would never put me under your care. You kidnapped me and tried to kill him,why would he trust you?" Malcolm got up and dusted his pants off.

"He trust me cause we both have the same goal,and that is to keep you safe tonight." Malcolm said walking over to a old looking chair and sitting down.

"Wheres Edwin? I want to hear him say that." I heard my voice tremble.

"Hes upstairs at the party Kikki. Your still in his home,I'm just here cause he doesn't trust any vampire to watch you." I moved my feet to the side of the bed to get my balance before I got up.

"Your lying,he had me get ready for the party. Why would he let me do that if he was just going to keep me here. I don't know what your planing,but I have the power to leave when ever I want." I thought back to when I had transformed I still wasn't sure how I did it,but he didn't know that.

"Kikki I'm telling the truth and even though I can't explain to you why he did what he did I can tell you he said I could use any means to keep you here. And I know you can't transform you've only did it once it would not only take practice,but someone who has done it before to help show you. Your staying here. I'm faster then you,you wouldn't even make it to the door before I would stop you." He looked at me hard. What was I supposed to do?

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