Chapter Twenty Four-Always and Forever

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(((UN-edited and original story of the Kiss me Softly Story. I'm so sorry for the long wait. Updates will fallow. Completed book will be posted and the first few chapters of the next one will fallow as well. I will also be writing more stories on here. QnQ Please forgive me for being gone so long.)

Kiss Me Softly-Chapter Twenty Four-Forever and Always

Malcolm's Point Of View

Every step I took felt heavier then the last. I left her there,my little sister with that monster. What was wrong with me?I should of just attacked him now,Kikki must be so scared. I growled under my breath. Now I would have to go and tell Edwin that not only I didn't get her back,but Simon was planing to make her his. I didn't like Edwin one bit,I hated all vampires but at lest when he was with her he gave her a choice. Simon was noting like that,if he wanted something he would do anything to get it. He wouldn't let Kikki outside either,so there was no chance of ambushing him I would have to either attack them out or trick them out of there dens. I was almost back what was I going to say?He would know as soon as he saw me that I didn't get her back. I step out of the woods and saw Edwin pacing back and forth cursing softly to himself. He looked up and saw me,I saw his face full of hope turn down. He kicked a near by rock and sent it flying. I stared down at my paws and listen to his groans of pain. He then ran over to me.

"Didn't you say you where going to bring her back! You dogs are good for noting! I thought you loved her!" He yelled,but I ignored it he was only specking out in anger.

"Of course I love her. I've been looking for her for over ten years now." He slump down and sat in the grass. "We can't sit here,Simon is planing on making Kikki his in two days we have to do something." His head snap up when I said that.

"Do you wolfs have no morals!" he stood up. "Is that what you tried to do?When you kidnap her." That was over the line I jumped up and growled loudly.

"For your information blood sucker I love her and I would never make her do anything against her will especially that! Do you know how disgusting that would be!"

"Disgusting!?" He yelled out. "Is that what you say to a girl you love!? Is that what passes for you were wolfs!?" He got really close to me,I saw his teeth bared.

"I wasn't calling her disgusting you idiot! Of-course I can see how you wouldn't understand. Your just a mindless vampire with no family,but from where I come from mating with your sister is wrong!" I was surprise as I saw all anger leave Edwin's face. He looked very confused and steeped back.

"What did you say?" His words came out jumble. I had never once heard a vampires smooth speech so messed up.

"I said that I wouldn't mate with Kikki." He still looked confused. "Because shes my sister.....and thats wrong." He looked dazed. "What part of this isn't snaking in,we don't have time for this!" I said.

Shes a were wolf?" He said in disbelief. What? Didn't Kikki tell him? I thought that would have been the first thing she would of told him when she got back. So this whole time he didn't know? Would he even love her now?

"Your telling me you didn't know?" I asked looking at him. He just shook his head no.

"No............she never told me......" He looked so surprise,I felt bad for him. "Why didn't she defend herself that night she was attacked?Did she know I was there?" He said to himself.

"Night she was attacked?What are you talking about?" My ears perked up. He looked at me sadly.

"The first time we met,I had saved her from being molested by a group of guys." He laughed sadly. "She must have been using me,she could of protected herself. But why would she have done that?"I sat back down.

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