Chapter Twenty Six Die Trying

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Kiss Me Softly-Chapter Twenty Six-Die trying

I sat on the bed looking at my wrist. It did feel better and now I wouldn't have to worry about Simon hurting is worst. I laid down and snuggle against the pillows on the bed. Maybe I could trick Simon into taking it off,but the only way I would think he would do it is if we mated and I wasn't about to do that. There had to be some way that he would take it off.... I heard loud foot steps come down the hall. The door swung open and Simon walked in and kicked off his shoes,he then crashed on the love-seat and closed his eyes like he was about to take a nap. As long as he wasn't trying to court me and he was keeping to himself then I didn't care what he did. He yawned and then rolled over onto his back.

"Hows your hand Kikki?" He asked without hoping his eyes.

"Fine." I said softly.

"Thats good." He said stretching out.

"S-Simon...." I said softly,he open his eyes and looked at me,surprise that I wanted to talk to him. ""I was you think I could go outside?........Just for a while?" He looked at me for a moment then got up,I could feel my heart pick up as he walked over to me. I wanted to sit up,but fear griped me thinking he would just push me back down on the bed. Simon sat down on the bed right by my tummy and placed a hand on my hip. I did my best not to flinch but I couldn't help it.

"Is it getting stuffy in here? If you wait just one more day you can go outside by yourself." He said rubbing my side,I couldn't tell if he was trying to comfort me or just seeing how fair he could get. And I couldn't wait intel tomorrow cause by then we would of mated.

"I really miss going outside............." I looked up at him,trying my best to look submissive maybe he wouldn't know I was planing something then. He sighed softly.

"I guess you can go, I rather you wait though intel I can go out there with you. I'm tired right now,you sure you can't wait?" He asked looking at me softly. Was he really going to let me go?

"I really don't want to wait." I said in the softest and saddest voice I could make. Then a grin spread across his face.

"O-k then you can go outside,I'll have Zack walk with you and another loyal friend of mine." He said getting up. "Oh and Kikki..." He said as I sat up ready to put my shoes on and get our of here. "Don't think about escaping,I'm sure you know this by now but two werewolf's are much faster then one human. And you won't be going fair anyways at lest not fair enough that Edwin or on of your brothers pack members will see you." He smiled and lean in close to me and then reached out and pulled me into a very tight hug. He held my hands down and I was more thankful then ever that my one hand had a cast on it. He pushed the back of my head teal my cheek rested on his shoulder. "Come 12:00 tonight your mine,so you will need to get back early so you can get some sleep." I felt his hand run down through my hair and stop at my neck and with just one quick pull with both of his hands he undid the color and let it fall to the bed. I felt around my neck,it felt so good to have it off. "Go on out to the front Zack will be there waiting tell him I said you could go for a walk with him and Chase he will know who I'm talking about. And don't let me find out you lied to him or you will regret it." I heard the harshness in his words. He got up and laid back down on the bed,I couldn't believe I wasn't chain down any more! I got up and I had to stop once I got to the door and look back,he wasn't there he was still laying on the love seat I open the door and ran. I knew it didn't matter cause Zack was guarding the exit,but sense I had gotten there I wanted to run away from it. And every second counted I didn't know when Edwin was going to right his brother but I had to do something.

I slowed down as I saw daylight and Zack standing there talking to some other girl. He looked up when he saw me and paused for a moment,the girl looked up too and said something to him and he nodded to her and she left.

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