Chapter Twenty Eight It Ends Now

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Kiss Me Softly-Chapter Twenty Eight-It ends now

Edwin's Point Of View

We were running as fast as we could,as Jace lead us to where he said Kikki was headed. Jace had said he and Gin,another one of Malcolm's pack members where out patrolling looking for a good way to sneak into Simon's territory when they said they saw Kikki being swept down steam. My stomach still tighten when I thought about it,they said they followed and tried to keep up. Finally she washed up on some rocks,when they got there Gin stayed with her while Jace went off to get Malcolm,if only Malcolm hadn't been here with me he could of done got to Kikki by now. Jace said he heard Gin howl on his way here,that he needed help Jace said that another one of Simon's pack members probably showed up. As we got closer Jace said he thought he smelled Kikki in the woods,but wanted to get to us first. If she had been headed this way we really did need to hurray,Ian was waiting in the field for me.

"Edwin!" Malcolm said as he ran up to me. "Me and Jace are going to loop around, so we will cover more ground. If Kikki headed into the woods we'll find her. Meet us at the steam when you can she might still be there." I nodded at them as they took off another way. I raced and pushed as hard as I could to get to the clearing. My heart felt cold as I got closer and picked up Ian's scent. Please oh please tell me shes still at the stream. I ran straight into the clearing and everything stopped and slowed down. It was like what I was seeing wasn't real,Ian with Kikki in his arms his teeth in her neck. I saw her lifeless body stain with blood,then I hear the most blood curtailing snarl raise from Ian and he threw Kikki down. I dashed and ran right pass Ian,something I wouldn't have done normally but I had to see Kikki first. She laid on the ground,her body looked so pale and when I went to hold her,her skin felt cold even to me. Blood covered her legs and some on her arms,it came from Ian's bite on her neck. Small bruise shown all over,one on her cheek another on her arm,her hand looked like it was broken.

"Kikki...." Everything I cared about felt like it was dying at once. I saw her chest rise then slightly,the only sigh that life was ever in this body. I laid her down softly. "Hang in there sweet heart I'm here now. Everything will be o-k." I softly kissed her lips and stood up to face my brother. Rage flowing through me. Ian was acting strange,he spit on the ground and gaged. He acted like he was having some kid of fit.

"Ian I'm going to tare you apart!" I snarled and flung at me,but instead of him snapping back with a quick attack I clawed him across the face and hear him hiss.

"What kind of trick is this!" He growled and spit out more blood. I looked at him confused.

"Quite stalling for time and fight back!" I growled.

"Her blood! Somethings wrong with it! It burns my throat!" Ian held his throat. I looked at him then back at Kikki,what was he talking about? Had someone poison her? No. My mind snapped it together in no time.

"Kikki's a werewolf......" I said. Ian's head shot up and he stared at me.

"Shes a what!?What did you say!" He dashed over to me and knocked me down. "Your saying I just drunk werewolf blood!!!" He reached his hand back to get me,but he was slow,I kicked out with my feet and sent him rolling.

"That little brat said she wanted to protect you!She said she wanted me to bite her so I would leave you alone!" He growled more angry as he got up. I realize what Kikki had done,she had found out about the fight.....she had let Ian bite her knowing that her blood would weaken him. Maybe even kill him. But if she knew that,then she must have know the venom from his fangs could kill her. She did protect me. I charged at Ian and pick him up by his throat and slam him against the ground and held him there.

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