Chapter Thirty Two

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Kiss Me Softly-Chapter Thirdy Two

Could something be wrong with me? There was something Allen and Edwin diden't want me to know,something about me. After everything that has happen wasen't it ovious that keeping secrets was a bad ideal? I lisen in to what else they had to say Edwin spoke frist.

"She has to know..........there is a lot we will have to get ready for............ maybe I should tell her brother frist." Edwin spoke and I heard a chair scrap across the floor.
"Here sit down for a momment and think about this Edwin." Allen spoke calmly,he was good at what he did. "Now lets think about strong was..........." Edwin sighed loudly.

"Very,I'm not sure how long she has before........." I kept hearing bits of it but what ever it was they diden't want me to know they lower there voices for thouse parts. "I mean it sounded strong to me,but I don't know if thats the ............................ or maybe..............I just don't know what to say to her." There was a loud noise as if a bunch of stuff fell onto the floor.

"She will understand,nither of you knew this was going to happen. Just tell her,cause if you don't she will find out,theres no way to stop her from finding out and when she does she will know that you knew. Trust me,I'm sure she already thinks somethings up." I herd Allen move probuily picking up what ever Edwin knocked over.

"Sorry."Edwin said. "But do you really think this is for the best? Shes been through so much latey,and with this on top of everything. I'm worried how shes going to take it,you know she wants to help,but she can't not anymore."

"Thats why you need to tell her. She is going to find out you knew and diden't tell her,and that will hurt her more then anything. Trust me." He said. I step back,Edwin would be up to see me soon,or at lest I hope her would. Maybe he would come out and tell me. I turned and went back up the stairs quitely,maybe I could just talk to him and he would tell me. I open my door and walk inside,then sudden sickness washed over me. My head felt light and i felt my stomach flip I got to the bath room just in time to choke up a little blood into the sink. That coulden't be good,I grab a towl and wipe my mouth. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and i rest my hand on my tummy hopeing it woulden't flip again. I pulled my hand back and saw it was wet with what looked like blood. I pulled my shirt up and saw that a cut that had been sewed up as came undone a bit and a small strem of blood drip down my tummy. I took the towl and dap at the wound,it wasen't that bad,and if Allen found out he would be mad for ever leting me out of my room. There was a solft knock at the door,I threw the towl in the sink.

"Come in." I called and poked my head out of the bathroom to see who it was. Edwin walked in looking adjatated and uneasy. "Hey honey I'll be right out." I said closeing the bathroom door,I needed to clean up my blood before he got to see it.

"Is everything alright?" He asked,he sounded like he was right by the door.

"Everythings fine,why don't you go sit down on the bed I'll be out in just a minute." I wonder if he could smell my blood through the door,I hoped not. He knocked softly on the door.

"Kikki can I come in?" He asked,he sounded worried. I sighed he would be able to smell it on me when I left anyways. I open the door,he looked at me for a second and I waited as his eyes pointed out right where my cut was. "Kikki what happen?" He asked lifted my shirt up,he had this utter look of horror on his face.

"Edwin its just a little cut its o-k dear really." I said steping back,it looked like it had already stop bleeding. He looked it over softly holding my tummy still,he looked at it intently. "Edwin...." I put my hands on his shouldders and pull him softly back. He looked up at me and step back and softly held my hands.

"Sorry honey." He said smileing softly and kissed my forhead. "You know how I worry." He said. He looked like he was back to normal and i soflty kissed his lip.

"I know,its o-k. Did...............did you talk to Malcom?" I saw confuseing cross his face for a second,then he must of remember the lie he told me cause his face settled down and he smile softly.

"Kikk I need to talk to you." He took my hands and lead me to our bed and softly sat down with me next to him. When he turn to look at me something in his eyes something about the way he was looking at me made me blush. The intensatiy of his stare as he looked at me gave my body chills. "I diden't go to talk to Malcom before,and I'm sorry honey for lieing to you about that. I was just so shocked about...........something I had to think of any excuse to get out of here and talk to Allen." He said,he was being so honest. I softly held his hands in mine.

"Well I'm glad you told me,but honey whatever that...something was you can tell me." I reached a hand up and softly place it on his cheek. "I love you and I always will." I smiled at him and he reached up and rested his hand over mine.

"I love you too Kikki,with all my heart." He smiled warmly,more warm then I've seen him smile in a long time. "Theres so much going on right now,with Ian's death and Simmon comeing after you and us being here,but I want you to know I will always be there for you. To protect you......." He said cuting his santace off like he had to think of what to say. He took a deep breath before contenueing but he kept his smile. "A lot of things are going to change,and theres a lot of things we are going to have to face and have to over come."

"As long as we have each other we can over come them together. I'm ready to face anything with you by my side Edwin you know that." His eyes seemed so full of life so happy.

"Kikki the real reason why I left was.....I needed to talk to Allen cause hes a doctor." I laid my hand on Edwins lap.

"I know that,so are you Edwin." The frist time I had met Edwin he had told me he was a doctor,I haden't really given it much thought intel now. "Why did you want to talk to Allen about?" He looked at me,like he was studying me or something like he wasen't sure what to say or how to put it in words. He just took a huge breath and looking me softly in the eyes.

"I'm a human doctor,Allen is a.........well hes more of a supernatural doctor if you know what I mean. I was asking him about you."

"Am I o-k?" I brace myself for the answer,I wonder how bad it was,maybe Ian's vemon had done something to me,but I was so suprise when Edwin shook his head yes. "Well if I'm o-k then why the big secret? Did you think something was wrong?" Maybe he thought something was wrong and really it wasen't?

"Its not so much as something is wrong......its-" He looked at me,his deep eyes looking into mine,his solft hands holding mine I could take any news he had,and with my heart filled with his love I knew I could face it with him right by my side. Together we could do anything and I would always be happy.

"When I was laying my head on your tummy before I heard your heart beating,I wonder if it beat for me." I smiled.

"It always does Edwin and for no one else." He smiled,and the next words he said change my life forever.

"You don't understand,while I was lisening to your heart it wasen't the only one I herd. I heard another heart beat,what i mean to say love is that your pregnet. We are going to have a baby." Oh my gosh.

Book one End

(((Again I'm so so sorry for the long wait, and soon I will start to post pages of the next book as well. ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed this and see you next go around!

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