Chapter fourteen Safe Place

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My dream wasn't really images or anything like that. It was more feeling and smell. Like with a memory,like when you smell rain it reminds you of the first time you played in a water puddle. Mine was warm, it wasn't like a burning hot,it was like getting warped in a blanket after taking a shower. I saw blurred colors,but they had a soft meaning to them it felt like. I felt like I was warped up and cozy. Slowly I opened my eyes. I was in Edwin's bed warped up in a big blanket. I notice Edwin wasn't in bed with me tough. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around the room for him. Just then a shadow moved from the conner of the room, I opened my mouth to yell when Edwin dash to my side and softly cover my mouth with his hand. Once I saw it was him he removed his hand from my mouth.

"Its o-k love its just me." He said siting down on the bed softly and hugged me. "I didn't mean to scare you, I was just getting up to look outside. You were sleeping so soundly, I thought I wouldn't wake you." He said holding me softly. He rubbed my back warmly, I looked at the balcony at the sun light shining in on the floor. It was morning.

"You just started me thats all." I said blushing. He smiled,happy that he hadn't scared me and he got back up.

"Are you hungry? You look better today so maybe you can eat a little more." He said pulling back the curtains over the balcony so not so much light would come in. Almost on Que. my tummy growled loudly. I herd him laugh and then try to cover it up by closing his mouth,but I herd him chuckle softly. I looked down at my tummy.

"Who asked you?" I said. He walked over to me smiling and took my hands and helped me out of bed.

"You look so much more alive today sweetie. Your color has came back your voice sounds better. And most of all you look well rested. No bad dreams I'm guessing?" I shook my head no.

"Nope not a one. And I am very hungry." I said as my tummy growled again. He laughed and held my hand.

"Well then lets go you down stairs and get you something to eat." He said. Even tough he thought I was feeling better I noticed him watching me as I climbed out of bed.

"I feel fine silly." I said and kissed the tip of his nose. I watched as his face flushed red, vampire could blush? I knew my way around the house and went to the door and opened it, I jumped back though when I saw Ian leaning against the wall. But Edwin was right behind me and held me softly while he stared at his brother.

"Good morning Ian." Edwin said in what sounded like a friendly tone.

"Good morning Edwin.......Kikki." He said grinning.

"Did you want something?We were just on our way to breakfast." Edwin said holding me closer.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bother you,I was on my way to breakfast to." He said and smirked at me knowing I had got his sick joke. "I just doped by to give you this." Ian handed Edwin a scarlet red letter and got up from the wall. "Well I better get going see you two later." He said and waved and winked at me before walking off. Ian gave me the most sickest feeling in my tummy. The way he acted and said stuff, and when he looked at me. I felt sick like I was about to throw up.

"Kikki?" Edwin softly put his hand on my back and held my other hand to steady me. "Are you feeling sick again? Do you need to go back and lay down?" His eyebrows were pushed together in concern. I couldn't keep doing this to him,making him worry. I shook my head and forgot about Ian. He would never touch me,not with Edwin around.

"I'm fine I told you." I smiled and said in a teasing tone. His smile widen and he kissed my forehead.

"Good,then lets go get you something to eat." He put the letter in his pocket and held my hand as we walked down stairs.

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