Chapter Seven-teen Miss.Camppearl

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He smiled and turned the car on,and it roar to life.

"Seat belt." He said to me,but I notice he didn't fasten his. I put mine on and he softly pressed the petal and we lunge forward. He turn the steering wheel and we zip around a curve. I grip the seat tightly,just how fast was he going? Did I even want to look at the speedometer?

"Edwin how fast are we going? Are you breaking the speed limit?" I asked trying not to look out at the trees rushing by.

"We're just making up for lost time. Don't worry I've never hit anything, even you have gone faster then this. Remember when I carried you? I was going at lest 100 miles a hour then." He took another turn and I slide up against the window. I took a deep breath. He slowed down as we came up on the town. "I'm going to drop you off love, theres some errands I need to run and it will give you more time with Miss.Camppeal."

"But what about Ian?" I asked looking at him.

"Ian is at home working on the rest of the house,he won't be done Intel late tonight. And he wouldn't attack you in town sweetie." He came on to the street that the Miss.Camppearl worked. "I'll be back in about a hour thats all." He looked at me with a soft smile. My heat beat sped up and all I could do was return his smile as he pulled up to the store. "I'll be here waiting for you in one hour. Promise." He lean over and kissed my lips very warmly. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I lean to him and warped my around around his neck and held me. He warped his arms around me as well and started to pull me onto his lap but the seat belt kept me in place. He smiled and stopped kissing me. I open my eyes and looked into his face. "You better get going the sooner I leave the sooner I can get back." He said putting his hands back on the wheel. I looked at him for a moment and then sighed in defect and got out of the car.

"One hour right?" I asked.

"One hour at the latest." He said flashing a smile.

"I...I love you." I said blushing as I said it. He smiled that oh so warm smile.

"I love you too." We stared at each other for a moment,before I closed the car door and watched him drive off. I waved Intel he disappeared around a corner,then I looked up at the store. It had seem like forever sense I had been here,so much as change. I looked down at myself. I had change,not just my cloths but my body. I wonder what Miss.Camppearl would think when she saw me again. I walked up to the door and open it. I heard the soft chime of the bell that hung on the door. It sounded so familiar. The place hadn't change either,it looked just the way I had left it. I walked in and looked around. Still rows on dusty books,and the smell of wood. I inhaled deeply,it smelled so good in here.

"Yes we have a copy of it,would you like me to put it on hold for you?" I looked up as Miss.Camppearl walked in with a cord phone in one hand and a note pad in the other. She glanced up at me then looked back down at the note pad. "O-k and you'll pick that up at.." She then looked back up again. "Kikki!!!" She yelled then turned back to her note pad. "I'll call you back Mark,yeah yeah I'll put your book on hold bye." She hung up the phone and ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. I hugged her back tightly. "Oh Kikki sweet heart I've missed you so much!" She rubbed my back. Was this what if felt like to have a mom? Why did that thought just now cross my mind?

"I've missed you too Miss.Camppearl! How is everything?" I asked looking into her face. She smiled and shrugged.

"Oh same old same old. You know how it is. What about you dear? The man on the phone sounded so handsome are you two seeing each other behind my back? My little girl growing up so see some boy." She smiled and hugged me. Miss.Camppearl was such a sweet women,I wish I could tell her the truth. All of it.

"I'm doing great. The guy name is.....well Edwin." I said blushing at his name. Her face let up.

"Oh Edwin! What a interesting name,I could of sworn I've herd that somewhere before. And what are you two?Come come sit down I want to hear all about it dearie." Miss.Camppearl pulled me over to a love seat that sat in the reading area of the store. "So how did you two meet? It was so sudden when you left,I heard noting about this young man then out of the blue he calls me up and tells me your staying with him?" Should I tell her about me being attacked?

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