Chapter Nine House Of Wolves

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Its nose was turned up as it growled deeply from its throat. I watched it,not really sure what to do. Maybe if I don't move I won't get attacked. The wind blew in softly behind me and against the wolf. The wolf sniffed the air and then for no reason charged straight at me. I didn't know if he would hear me but in-stinks kick in, I put my hands up as a shield and yelled.

"Edwin!!!" I heard a loud thud and the grown shook. But I didn't move from my spot,I open my clinched together eyes and saw the were wolf getting back up from about twenty feet away. Somehow it seemed to look even more angry then before. It snapped its teeth,but not at me. Edwin was standing just a few feet in front of me,he was half crouched and for the first time I saw his razor sharp teeth. He hissed at the were wolf,but it did not move it just seem to brace itself. They stared each other down in a tense moment that seemed to carry out,and just when it seemed like things couldn't get any more bad Edwin hissed loudly and darted to me throwing me on his back as he did.

"Hold on!" He said and much faster then before he ran toward the woods,but we didn't get far about seven feet from them he stop and jumped back. And when he jumps he jumps,we went at lest thirty feet back. I looked over his shoulder when my word stop spinning and saw another were wolf. A big sandy color wolf was stepping out of the woods and started to circle us. Edwin growled under his breath and started backing up away from them both. The wolfs growled and then the black one charged,and Edwin did something I wasn't expecting. I herd him say "I love you." then he threw me. He thew me! I went flying and landed in the lake just as the black wolf collided with him in a thundering boom! I broke to the surface gasping for breath,his thow had sent me way down to the bottom almost. I swam to the shore as fast as I could to catch my breath. I breath heavily then herd Edwin yell.

"Leave her alone!" I looked up and saw the big sandy color wolf staring me eye to eye. Its head was almost bigger then my whole body and its yellow eyes stared right into mine. We were less then two feet away from touching. As I looked into the wolfs yellow eyes I felt dizzy like I was in a daze then when I blinked the wolf before me was no more. Instead it was a boy,he looked a little older then me with tan skin and rag cloths,he had short hair that was the same shade as his fur was. He reached out for me and I smack his hand away,but I wasn't quick enough to block his other one from grabbing the back on my dress and pulling me out of the water in one big pull. He pulled me to him and wrap his arms around me like chains and yelled out.

"Hey I got her lets get out of here!" His friend looked over and Edwin ran right into the black wolf knocking it over with a growl. It rolled right into a tree shattering it into peaces that went everywhere,a few even landed at our feet.

"Your not taking her anywhere!" He snarled. The black wolf snap and bared its teeth at Edwin. What would happen if the two wolfs gained up on him again? What if they kil......... I couldn't stand the thought. Just then the black wolf charged at Edwin and pin him to the ground. The wolf growled and lean down about to bite him. I just imaged the sound it would make as the wolf snap his neck. I struggled in the wolfs arms I had to get him.

"Hey settle down,if we hurt you we'll get in trouble." The wolf said. It hit me then I knew what to do. I bit down as hard as I could on the wolfs arm,he howled in pain and let go. I picked up a sharp peace of wood and held it tight,and I ran toward them. The wolf looked Edwin in the eyes and reared it head back to deliver the final blow and I showed the peace of wood as forcefully as I could into its paw. It backed up and bit at the wood and pulled it out. I got in front of Edwin.

"Please don't hurt him!" I said with my arms fanned out. The black wolf stare at us both as the boy came running over.

"Didn't he tell you what he is?Thats hes a vampire!." The boy said. "Your prey to him!" The boy snapped. Edwin put his hand on my shoulder.

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