Chapter 6

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Saturday came. I wore my favourite plaid shirt and some nice leggings. I put my hair in a ponytail, which I never do.

I met Jacob at Memorial Park at 6:00. He drove us to the theatre in his mom's old Chevy. He had a plaid shirt on, too.

"Twins." I giggled.

"Mine's blue, and your's has longer sleeves." he pointed out.

We got to Star Spangled Theatre. It was the most famous theatre in Oregon. Well, maybe not all of Oregon, but definitely our town, Waters.

Erik and the others weren't here yet. Me and Jacob sat on the stairwell leading to the main entrance. I looked out for a green Ford truck, like Erik said.

Finally, a more black than green truck pulled up. Erik and some other kids got out. Gail's friend's were hear... so that could only mean...

"GAIL?!" Jacob cried.

Erik looked at him, then Gail, then said, "Ohhhh, this Gail."


"I thought I put a restraining order on him. Get him away!" Gail squealed. "Oh, and why is the FREAK here? Erik, baby, why would you invite her? She's still depressed after Josie died."

"Gail, I am not your baby." Erik said sternly.

"For now."

Erik sighed. "Let's go get our tickets."

"No need, man." some dude said (I think his name was Ralph, he was in my Art class). "I got Costco tickets, they come with food."

We all cheered. We got to the ticket desk to redeem our tickets.

"Dammit!" Ralph said. "All of the packs came with two tickets and only one popcorn. You'll hafta share." I groaned.

Gail and her three friends said they didn't want popcorn, because 'it'll make you fat'. So that was four extras.

I was the only person without popcorn, as usual. I was about to walk over to Jacob to ask if we could share, but Erik stopped me.

"You can share." he said, holding out his bag. I thanked him.

We sat in the theatre, waiting for the newest Jennifer Lawrence film to come on. I thankfully got a drink, for later, because popcorn makes my mouth dry.

The movie started. I reached for some popcorn, which was squished between me and Erik's seats. Suddenly, as I was trying to find a good piece, I felt a hand. It was grasping my fingers. It's fingers were warm and buttery.

I looked up. Erik was smiling. I blushed, even though you couldn't see. But he quickly pulled his hand away.

I was happy. It was only for a few seconds, yes, but my crush held my hand. Does he like me back?

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