Chapter 17

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The next day I had to go back to school. There were a lot of different feelings toward me. Most people were caring and thoughtful. Some people were ignorant. But the people that came up to me and asked if I was ok were the best.

Me and Jacob made out in the janitor's closet before lunch. He pushed me in there and... yeah. It was strange, but nice.

Lunchtime was a living hell.

Gail had the smart idea to throw her spaghetti container at me. Alfredo sauce spilled all over my teal Aeropostale sweater, pasta got in my hair, and my face was dripping in... everything. Practically the whole cafeteria gasped. Jacob and a few others rushed over to help me clean up.

"GAIL, YOU'RE A MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!" I screamed. The room fell silent.

"Well, Freak, maybe you should've killed yourself. Maybe, if you did, people wouldn't be forced to feel sorry for you. The only reason people are helping you clean up is because they don't want to listen to you bitch and bitch and BITCH over your little depressed and friendless life. Go back to the nursing home where you belong."

Jacob handed me his sunglasses and his North Face jacket. He ran towards Gail, who dodged him. Jacob geared up and proceeded to jump onto Gail. He started slamming her face on her table, blood going everywhere. Gail slumped over, motionless, as Jacob let go and sprinted for the exit.

We were taken out of school am hour early, because Gail had to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance. As I saw Dad pull up, Vice Principal Thompson wanted me in his office. I told Dad I would be a minute and rushed into the school.

"Someone took a cell phone video of Gail verbally abusing you." he started. "That behaviour is not accepted at this school. But neither is Jacob's."

I nodded.

"Gail will have in-school suspension for a week, but Jacob may be expelled."


"I'm sorry, Amalie, but measures need to be taken." He shook his head. "Jacob has been violent since the first day of school."

"Give him anger management! Suspend him! I DON'T CARE! Just don't expel him!" I was in tears.

"We'll see."

I covered my face with my hands. I peered through my fingers to see Thompson's angry face.

"If he goes, I die."

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