Chapter 22

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Gail was back at school the next day. And so were rumours.

"Amalie is pregnant!"

I heard that first whisper in the morning. I though some hater of either me or Jacob was just, ya know, a hater, but boy, was I fucking wrong.

"When's it due?" Hollie Harrison asks me as I open my locker.


"The baby."

I just about slapped a bitch.

"I'm not pregnant."

"Oh." She looks at the ground for a moment, then comes right back up. "Are you just fat?"

"No!" I said, slamming my locker.

Hollie whimpers something and runs off.

I feel kinda bad doing that to such a nice kid. But hey.

A few popular Juniors started asking who the daddy was. Michelle Oki said she would see the baby an outfit. A couple Freshman kids were confused about the whole thing. And the popular Seniors thought the dad was none other than Erik.

I couldn't find Jacob.

I couldn't find Erik.

But Gail was there. And she was cackling along with the rest of her squad. "PREGGERS!" she shouted. "WITH MY MAN?!"

"Erik and you are dating?" I said, confused.

"Duuuuh. Since Saturday!"

"Oh. Listen, I didn't have sex with him. And I thought you would be nice to me from now on."

Now the other popular girls were really confused. "Nice?!" Wendy cried. "In your dreams!"

"That was simply a sob story so my parents won't hate you and your shitty family." Gail pouted. "You're all a bunch of LIARS."

"HELL NO!" I scream, tearing up.

Josie was wrong. Gail didn't want to get all good-girl on me. It was fake. Simply a story so her parents didn't think she was a bully. But she is.

Gail softly punches my stomach as she walks away. Ouch.

Josie had lied. Maybe that's what she meant by not trusting anyone. I couldn't even trust my best friend. My dead best friend, that is.

Fucking Fiddlesticks.

After second period I passed the janitors closet (AKA The Room of Everything Good and Bleachy). Voices came out from the small cracks in the door. I opened up. Inside was Jacob and Erik (?!).

"Guys! What are you doing here?" I cried, closing the door behind me.

"We had to talk." Erik said. "Have you heard the rumour?"

I nodded.

"It's not true. Obviously. And I'm not dating Gail."

I sighed with relief.

"We trusted Gail. I guess we should've not." I said sternly.

"What were we thinking?" Jacob shook his head.

"What kind of drugs is this school on?" I cried.

"Nasty Ass Powder for Nasty Ass Gail."

Me and Jacob burst into hysterics. Jacob then had to explain what we were laughing about to Erik.

"BIG, BIG, BOOTY BITCHES!" Erik sang. We all laughed.

It was nice. The rest of life wasn't.

I stormed to the grave, by foot surprisingly. I was fucking mad.


"Yes?" She appeared in front of me.

"You liar! Gail's still a bitch!"

"I told you not to trust everyone."

"I DIDN'T EXPECT EVERYONE TO INCLUDE YOU!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Girl, calm down." Josie pushed her hands in front of her.

"I want to die." I crouched on the ground, my toes squished in my Uggs.

"Don't we all at some point?" Josie said sassily. "I'm so glad I'm not alive anymore."

"Damn right you are. And I wish I could be dead, too."

"Do whatever. Either way, I'm here for you." She disappeared.

I really need a lesson in trusting people. I also need a lesson on the best way to kill yourself.

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