Inseparable Couple

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  Today i saw the strangest dream.. I saw that Harry Franco, who created the ones who can control the air, put all the elements into me but i couldn't take the pressure so i blew up in front of Tony. Ugh.. strange. 

  When i opened my eyes i found Tony sleeping like a baby right in front of me. He was adorable with his messy hair falling on his eyes. I smiled by thought that i'm officially his girl now.

I gently kissed his cheek and stood up. I took a shower, put on my grey Nike sweatpants and a black tank top. I was too lazy to dry my hair so i tied them up in a high messy bun. I walked to the kitchen are and started making full english. Then i felt two strong arms wrapping around my stomach and a chin resting on my shoulder.

''Good morning Super Woman!'' He said with his husky morning voice which was the sexiest shit on earth.

''What you called me?'' I turned around and giggled. I placen my hands on his shoulders and gave him a peck on the lips.

''And that's it..? Well i can't say i'm not disappointed, you were so much more better kisser in my dreams!'' He said and gave me this true-story look and i gave him you-better-be-fucking-me-or-run look.

''Well that's offencive!'' I said and turned around. I knew he wanted me to do better but i didn't give him that on purpouse. You know, just joking around.

''Hmm, and you don't try do better?'' He asked and smirked.

''Well why should i try if you can dream it just the way you want?'' I turned around and gave him a kiss on the cheek. ''Breakfast's ready!'' I told and carried the plates onto the table. I opened the fridge. ''Do you want apple juice,water,orange juice,tea,coffe or milk?'' I asked while i turned to him. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. 

''I.. want.. You!'' He said and kissed me smoothly on the lips. 

I giggled. ''You already have me bad boy! So i think orange juice'll do, huh?'' I said and kissed him once more.

''Sure why not!'' He said and sat down behind the table while i poured ourselves some juice. ''Exton , hit me!'' He said suddenly.

I bursted into a laughter. ''I'm not sure if he's capable for this!'' I told and sat down behind the table right before Tony.

Tony started laughing as well. ''No, i mean hit me with your news!'' He tried to speak through his laughter.

''Oh, now i understand, Mr. Renner.'' Exton said. ''Well, Mr. roth wants to see both of you at noon. He has a mission for you!''

''But i'm not even signed up for S.A.G?!'' Tony was confused and said with his mouth full of food.

''Yes but the mission includes someone that's not from around here and they need you Mr. Renner!'' Exton told.

''Watch out my ego is raising!'' He joked and we laughed.

  By the time it was about noon, we drove to the headquarters. Adrian was waiting for us in the lab. ''I'm glad you came Mr. Renner!'' Adrian turned to tony and they shook hands. ''Please call me Tony!'' Tony pleaded. ''With pleasure!'' He answered.

''So there's this guy, Anthony Clark, is one of the richest lads in Las Vegas and he's about to throw the party of the year. But apparently Trigon, a demigod, who we got into a fight few centuries ago is planning to make a comeback and right there. We're not sure about it but we have to be ware! So you, Merida, you put on some bikinis and have fun by the pool and yeah, entertain the rich one!'' He winked at me.

''Ew..!'' was all i could say when i saw the picture of that rich guy.. bold,fat,old.. what was i hoping for? lol.

''And you Tony are gonna be a guard!'' Adrian said and Tony made an upset face.

''No fun for me.. ofc...!'' I wrapped my arms around him. ''Awh, cheer up, it's just for a little while, and if the demigod arrives it should be fun!'' i winked at him.

''Fun? No, then i'll have to worry about you!'' He kissed my forehead.

''Don't worry about me, i'll be just fine. Ain't no god damn demigod scaring me!'' I told and made the i-don't-give-a-fuck face. ''Sure, babe!'' Tony said.

''Okay so there's a plane waiting for you on the roof, plus there's bags full of clothes and things you'll need! Have fun in Las Vegas and make sure you'll copy me in your earpiece!'' Adrian told us.

''Nah bruh, it's like they say.. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!'' Tony winked at him and Adrian laughed. 

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