The Party Of The Year

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  Finally after a long flight we arrived to Las Vegas. We took a taxi and went to out hotel Caesars Palace. Anthony's party was gonna take place there. We had just a few short hours left till the beginning so we decided to get something to eat. Cuz we both were running out of options we agreed to go to Mcdonalds. 

''I'll take a cheese burger, fries and a coke!'' I ordered. ''Will that be it?'' The young cashier with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail under her cap asked. ''Yes, for me!'' I answered. 

''Hello, i'll take a happy meal!'' He smiled at the cashier and i started laughing. ''What? It makes me happy.. see HAPPY Meal!'' He justified himself. ''Oukay!'' The cashier said. ''Hey don't forget my toy!'' Tony reminded her. ''I won't!'' She smiled and put the happy meal on his tray. Tony paid for out food and we sat down by the window.

''Happy meal and the toy, seriously?'' I asked and laughed again watcing him explore his Iron Man 3 Aldrich Killian action figure.

''Tell you what.. It consists of the same things you just ordered so shut up!'' He laughed. ''Anyhow i'm not okay with this action figure.. I want Tony cuz I'm Tony!'' He stared at Aldrich. ''I'm gon change it!'' He stood up and walked towards the cash register where the girl who served us. 

After a minute he was back with Tony Stark action figure. ''Much better!'' He said and started eating.

I laughed. ''Gosh you're unbelievable!'' I said and took another bite from my burger. 

After we had finished our meal we headed back to Caesars Palace. As we had to get ready for the party Tony put on a black suit and went outside to meet Anthony. 

I put on the yellow mazzy cutout triangle bikini, by Agent Provocateur which Adrian had put in the bag. Plus i had to wear a white kimono and yellow Louboutins. I put on some make-up and fixed my hair. Then i placed my earpiece in my ear and made sure if Adrian and Tony could hear me. Then i heard loud music coming from the pool area and saw different colored lights shining up towards the sky. The party had started so i went downstairs with an elevator. When i reached the ground floor i finally realized how loud this music really is. People were dancing and making out everywhere. 

''Merida, do you copy?'' Adrian asked and i pushed the earpiece deeper a bit to hear him better.

''Yes?'' I answered while i made my way through people towards the pool area. 

''I just wanted to say have fun, act cool and when Trigon should show up then umm change your clothes!'' He smirked.

''I copy that!'' i laughed too. Then i saw Anthony on the other side of the pools sitting on a big deck chair and half naked girls were dancing around him. ''Oh god i gotta do it too'' i thought to myself but hey let's act cool.. now walk like cool girls do and whip your hair. I laughed about it. So i started walking towards Anthony. On my way there i saw Tony standing by the other entrance. I winked at him. 

Anthony wasn't that ew person after all.. I had fun talking to him tho sitting on his lap made me uncomfortable. What is he like over 60 years old...?

After a while talking to him i felt thisty so i went to get a drink. But then i heard a familiar voice saining my name behind me.. i turned around and i saw Kellan standing there in his shorts. He had just came out of the pool so he was soaking wet.

''Hey what are you doing here?'' I asked and hugged him. 

''Adrian sent me.. in case you need help with that big boy!'' He answered.

''Oh it's nice of him but i can handle him myself i think!'' I glanced over at Anthony.

''No not him.. Trigon!'' He burst into a laughter and so did i. ''So umm who was that dude who answered my call on your phone?'' He asked.

''Oh hah it was my boyfriend Tony, you might know him!'' I said awkwardly.

''Oh him.. I'd like to get to know him.. maybe we can even be buddies!'' He laughed.

''Let's hope!'' I said and smiled ''So umm i was about to get a drink, wanna join?'' I asked.

''Sure why not!'' He smiled and we walked towards the bar. Suddenly we heard lightning from the sky and we all looked up. Where did that come from? The last time i checked the sky it was clear. What the hell.

''Did you hear this?'' I heard Tony asking me in my earpiece. ''Yeah, do you have any idea of where did that come from?'' I asked. ''From the sky?!'' He said jokingly.

''No, may Trigon be behind it?'' I asked him again.

''Maybe, i don't know but hey be careful!'' He said. ''Sure i will, you too!'' I told him. 

Suddenly someone screamed and we all looked at where the scream came from. We saw a girl lying on the ground and a man standing behind her and then stepping over her. He had black long hair and he was wearing a red long coat and black jeans and a black button up shirt with a vest on it. Damn he had a lack of sense of fashion.

Everyone were now looking at him and being quiet. ''What a party, what a party!'' He clapped. ''This is the welcoming i've always wanted from you and i finally got it! You know the last time i was on earth you guys just pushed me away from here, what a pity! I would have ruled you and you would have a better life right now! But now i'm back and i bet you all missed me!.. Oh and for those who don't know me yet then.. I'm Trigon.. a demigod!'' 


Thank you all for reading, i really hope you liked it and if you did then comment you opinion below! :D 

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