The Lost Goddess

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  ''So, he sent his daughter to get me?'' I laughed.

''No not really! As i already said 'sucks to be cheated on'! I don't really get along with him. I'm nothing to him! The only thing he cares about are my brothers!'' She told me and slowly began to walk around on the roof. ''So I heard about you and his plan to get you so i thought that i'd come to help you and pay back my dad!'' She said and was back in front of me within seconds.. of course he's like his dad.

''How do i know you're not lying?'' I asked and raised my eyebrow. She took out a little glass bottle from her coat. 

''Here's your antidote!'' She threw it and i catched it. ''Drink it and you'll change back to the normal you! of course if you want to!'' She smiled.

''Thanks but i'd rather stay like this, you gotta need a little superpower these days!'' I told her.

''So, do you accept me?'' Se asked.

''Yeah, but how do we fight back to your dad?'' I asked curously.

''I have an army! Here, hold my hand!'' She stretched her arm out and i grabbed it and the very next second we were out of space floating before a giant black spaceship. ''This' yours?'' I asked looking at it like 'holy crap'. I wonder how could i breathe out there.

''Yes, tho my dad's is so much more bigger!'' She said and a large door to the spaceship opened. ''Welcome aboard!'' She greeted and we flew inside. It was all white from inside. We flew to the control room. ''I want all the ravens on the second floor, now!'' She yelled into the microfon and pressed down the alarm. ''Come on, they wont hurt you!'' She said and grabbed my hand and we flew to the second floor. It was an enormous throne room. Each wall was made of glass so you could see the other planets and the stars. The room had a big silver throne and the stairs before the throne led down to the floor where her army was. In the middle of the room there was a red carpet which led to the throne. Her army was standing on each side of it. Her army consited of aliens.. i guess. They looked like humans but bigger and taller like giants and they were blue but not avatars. Here were thousands of them. Creepy. 

We landed on the red carpet and her army turned to us and kneeled. God.. i felt like i was a goddess or something! Not that it was a bad thing tho! We began walking towards the throne. When we reached it, Raven sat down and i stood next to it.

''Stand!'' She told her army. ''I want you all to meet Merida! The Goddess Of Lightning!'' What the hell did she just call me?.. She stood up. ''And cuz my dad found her he wants her back so he's planning to destroy half of the world.. or maybe the whole world! And i need all of you to fight for earth! You need to help us to stop it!'' She was yelling now cuz her army was shouting 'Yeah!' and stuff. ''Now who's with me?'' Raven asked and each of them answered 'Me!' in choir. ''Great! Now go and pump your abs up cuz we've got some asses to kick!'' She shouted and laughed a bit. Her army started to leave the room and we went to Raven's room. 

''Hey umm why did you call me The Goddess Of Lightning?'' I asked curiously and walked next to Raven who was standing by the window and looking out of it. 

''I guess you don't know the whole story! 20 years ago a baby girl was born to a God and a Goddess of lightning but at the same time a war was going on their planet. The mother died in the battle and to save the newborn, dad left their planet and escaped to Earth. He couldn't tell the girl who they really were. Many years later everyone started to search for her including The Elements but they couldn't find her until we got a message from The Fire Element Tony Renner. The Elements can see things that normal people can't. Trigon got the message too of course and he immediately went after you. Cuz you were on Earth and you had no idea that you're a Goddess my dad had to wake some genes alive in you. And after 20 years of searching we finally found you! Welcome home!'' She smiled and bowed in front of me.

''I need space!'' I left the room and walked around until i found myself on the terrace. I walked to the edge of it and stared on earth. That's why looking at the stars and the moon in the middle of the night made me feel like i belong to over there not on the Earth. And that's why one time when i was about 5 years old i was angry at something and the sunny sky disappeared and the clouds arrived out of nowhere and the lightning began and it started pouring rain. And that's why i can breathe out here. I can't believe i was out there the whole time i should have been here ruling my planet. 

But then again. Maybe that's why Tony never killed me as soon as he realized who am and maybe it was never a love between us. Maybe he just.. oh god i don't know. That boy is a serious hot mess tho i still have feelings for him. 

Or maybe should i say that I'm a serious hot mess cuz you know.. i just found out that i'm a Goddess. 

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