Betrayed Trust

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  We finally made it to Brazilia at 10pm. We stayed at S.A.G's quarters on the edge of the city next to the beach. I carried my bags to my room. Then i changed my clothes to shorts and a t-shirt.Then I wanted to call Adrian but comeone knocked on my door. I opened it and it was Elliott. 

''Hey, what's up?'' He asked.

''Umm i was about to call Adrian to ask about Tom's location..''

''I already called him and he gave me the instructions! Anyhow you gotta come out!'' He said with a cute smile on his face which made me blush.

''Why? It's 10pm i was about to go to sleep!''

''No time for sleeping.. You gotta see the sky, it's incredible!'' He pulled me out of my room.

''Okay okay i'm coming you don't have to drag me!'' I laughed and he let go of me.

We walked to the beach and he was right.. the sky was amazing. The moon and the stars were out and the sun was still setting which made it so beautiful. I took my shoes off.

''You were so right!'' I said while i looked at the sky with a smile on my face.

''Come on let's go swimming!'' He said while he took his shirt and shoes off.

''What? No!'' I said giving him a weird look.

''It wasn't a question!'' He laughed and picked me up. He moved closer to the water. I laughed and tried to escape but his strong arms held me thight against him. He walked deeper into the ocean so the water was touching my bum and then he let go of me and i fell into the water unexpectedly so i didn't have any time to hold my breath. I pushed myself up and started coughing. 

''Hey you alright?'' Elliott asked and he looked worried.

''I'm okay i just didn't have any time to hold my breath!'' I said once i finished coughing.

''I'm sorry Mer, i didn't mean to!'' He said and pulled my face up to face him by my chin. He pushed my hair off my face behind my ears. ''Has anyone every told you how beautiful you are?'' He said and i blushed. ''No, not really, you're kind of the first one!'' I told him and smiled. I was stunned by his eyes cuz they were so blue and the moon made them sparkle like stars.

 I got lost into his eyes cuz they were so magical and then suddenly i felt his warm lips touching mine. I had never kissed a boy before and i have to say that it felt good and i even think I like Elliott. I never thought a boy could like a girl like me but i guess i was wrong.

  After a minute kissing we pulled out and we both smiled at each other. ''I really like you Mer, even if we met just some days ago! It's hard not to like you!'' He said and i blushed and smiled at the ground but then my eyes caught his ocean blue eyes again. ''I like you too Elliott!'' We kissed again. And then we just played in the ocean for a while. After that we ordered pizza to his room and just watched a movie ad then we fell asleep together.

  We woke up by the sound of his phone's ringtone. Adrian was calling him. While they were talking i went to the bathroom to fix myself a bit till i get to my room. All i heard him saying was ''Yes. No. We'll be ready in a hour. Yes. Bye!'' 

  I got out of the bathroom. ''What did he tell you?'' I asked and kissed him.

''We need to go Tom is planning something!'' He told me and started to change his clothes.

''Okay i'll go change too!'' I said and left the room.

  I put on my suit and put my weapons on my belt. I even put some make up on and my perfume ''Cherry in the air'' by Escada. I usually never put them on when i'm on a mission but i guess i was just trying to impress Elliott.

  We met in the parking lot and we had to drive with Ford Escape 2011. Tom was apparently in some warehouses on the other side of the city.

  When we got there I tried to get in from the front side and Elliott from the other. I held my hand on the pistol while  ran to the door. It was locked so i shot the lock and broke the door. I went in and it was pretty dark in there. Everything was dusty and the windows high up were drty and dark so the sun barely shined through them. Then i cowered at the noise of a shot. I saw few men running towards me and i shot one in the shoulder and he fell down. When the other man got enough close to me i stood up and pushed his gun out of his hands with mine. I pushed him onto the ground with my foot, like i did to Elliott, and shot him in the face. There was only one man left and shot him in the leg and punched him in the face so hard that his head hit the metal pipe and knocked out.

  When i as finished with them i went upstairs by the metal stairs. When reached the end of the hall upstairs i started to hear some noises from the other side of the metal door. There was a small plastic window so i saw Tom there with his men and there were some people tied up on the chairs begging for mercy. I didn't see Elliott tho. I wonder where is he. We had earpieces so i tried to catch Elliott. ''Elliott do you copy? Where are you i can see them!'' I waited for the answer a bit i got nothing. 

  Then i opened the door slowly so no one noticed me. The hall had the metal balcony all around the room woth two stairs. I moved closer to the edge and shouted ''Hey Tom! It's been a long time huh? I heard you wanted to see me!'' Tom glanced at me and smiled and laughed evilly. ''Take her!'' He said and i felt two men grabbing my arms. I hit one in the balls so he fell down. I pushed the other one against the wall and started running away but then three other guys grabbed me and the one held a weapon agains my head so i stopped escaping. They led me downstairs. 

''Well hello Merida! Just in time! Tie her up!'' 

''No!'' I shouted and tried to escape now but they were too strong and chained me to a chair. ''you're not gonna get away with this Tom!'' I threathened him and he laughed.

''Oh honey! The whole S.A.G. is going down!'' He said while he put something into the syringe. I assumed they were going to change me. 

''i'm not alone!'' He laughed

''Oh trust me, you are!'' He said while he put the syringe into my veins I tried to bit his arm but it didn't really bother him. I screamed cuz whatever he had injected into me burned as fuck tho my skin didn't seem to be changing. 

''Elliott!'' I screamed.

''Oh you wanna see him? Okay! Elliott!'' He said and i didn't really understand what he ment until i saw Elliott just simply walking towards us. I excpected him to be dragged here with tears in his eyes trying to help me but i was wrong. He even shook hands with Tom.

''Elliott?'' I shouted with tears in my eyes.

''I'm sorry babe!'' He said with the same evil smile on his face like Tom. 

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