Past Lovers. 8

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Wow guys...this has been extremely overdue. Please read my message board, I explain everything there, but pretty much long story short: I am terrible writing sequels. I wrote Childhood Lovers, with no intention of a follow-up. I did it because my amazing fans wanted one. And since then, I have been stuck. I am only writing this for you guys, so I'm sorry if it's not flawless writing, but I am trying my best. However, I need your help. This is for you guys, so your input is the most important. I have no idea what to write, but when you guys give me an idea of what you want to happen, I can write it. So yeah, leave a comment or inbox me an idea you might have. If I like your idea and decide to use it, I will dedicate the chapter to you. Please guys, that's the only way I can honestly keep updating...if you guys continue to help me.

This chapter goes to someone who inboxed me an idea 11 months ago...I don't know if she is still on Wattpad but she deserves it. She is the reason I am updating...

MUCH LOVE PLEASE SEND YOUR LOVE BACK! I can't ask you to vote, but please if you liked it, please consider it. I know I sound greedy, but thats the only way i know people actually like what I am writing. That's the truth. I'm not writing this book for myself (the honest truth, hate me for it, but I'm being real) I'm writing it for you. But if I don't think you guys are reading, I'm not gonna write.


Hayden's POV

"Babe, I'm home" I called out, throwing my keys down on the kitchen counter. I grabbed the stack of today's mail and started flipping through the the endless bills.

My engagement ring diamonds caught and reflected the overhead lights as my fingers moved. Oh, how I loved to watch how the little shimmering flecks dazzled and danced. Chase was never and would never be able to afford a ring like this.

Sometimes, I found myself late at night, wide awake and just staring at the ring. For some reason, it meant so damn much to me. I couldn't put it on my finger (no pun intendend) why I was so hopeful for my marriage with Jared. You see, I love Jared, I really do. But I don't love him the way I used to love Chase. 

With Chase, there was so much love and passion. And he was also my best friend. I wanted to spend every minute of every second with this guy. He made me laugh, made me cry, and I loved it all. We were so young, and so deeply in love. I used to think that was all we needed. I was so innocent and naive back then. Sometimes, love isn't enough. 

Jared makes me feel safe though. I know I'll always be taken care of and treated like a princess. It's never a rollercoaster -- no extreme highs or lows. And sometimes, that's nice. I've grown older, and even more tired. I don't need all of that excitement and craziness anymore. Sometimes, security and routine are nice.

After a few moments, I paused in puzzlement. Jared usually flocked down the stairs as soon as I got home. I hadn't heard a sound.

"Babe?" I called out again. 

Still no answer. 

So I began to check around the apartment. I checked the living room, TV room, even his office, but Jared was nowhere to be found. 

"Jared?" Switching it up, I hoped for a response. But still, dead silence.

My head began to race with unrealistic ideas. What if he's hurt? What if he never came home today?  No, I would have been called if he was hurt...right?

I trucked my way over to the bedroom. That was the last place he could be. Maybe he had a long day  at work, and was really tired.

As I got closer, the dead silence didn't seem as dead anymore. I could hear whispering, or soft talking, and some movement. I assumed he was on the phone, or pacing around, or watching television. 

But the closer I got, the less it sounded like any of my assumptions.

I could now distinctively hear two voices. One sounded like a woman. I convinced myself I was just hearing things. I tend to get delusional sometimes, but doesn't everyone? Instead of drowning in my thoughts, I made moves. My hand gripped onto the doorhandle.




I twisted the nob. The door flung open, and there Jared was, naked in bed with another woman.

My mouth dropped, and my eyes widened, but for some reason, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't comprehend it. Was this really happening?

I was in pure, motionless shock. Unable to speak or move as chaos struck around me. I could hear the woman crying in guilty, putting herself in my shoes. I could feel Jared shaking and rubbing my arm, whispering my ear sweet nothings.

I don't know how long I stood there, letting him coo me with his words, but something inside of me snapped when he said those three little words

"Shut up," I whispered, as I broke my freeze. "Just shut up."

He pulled away and just stared at me. The woman stared at me too, and I stared right back at her. It was the first time I was able to look at her. Martha Perry, I had met her a few times at Jared's corporate parties. Martha, the secretary...his secretary. With her bleach blonde hair, black eyeliner, and arcylic nails, the woman disgusted me before she slept with my finace. Now, she was really on my bad side.

"Get out," I muttered to her in a low voice, trying to keep my calm and my mouth under wraps. 

She scampered like a little bunny, quickly obeying my orders. After gathering her clothes, she fled. 

Jared lowered his eyes at me. "Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, she came on to me."

"Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit," I roared in a frenzy that came over me. "Don't fucking give me that bullshit. We're fucking done."

He stared back at me. "Baby, no, don't give up on us. It was one mistake, everyone makes mistakes. We can make it work, we've got something good."

I don't know why, but in that moment, I thought of Chase.

"No, we don't have something fucking good. How could you do this to me? You fucking knew, you fucking knew Chase cheated on me. And you promised me, do you remember that night, in Paris, you fucking promised me you would never, ever do something like that. Ever."

Jared let a tear stream down his face, but I feel absolutely no pity. "You're right babe, you're right. You're always right. I fucked up."

"Yeah you fucking did."

I could tell the guilt was killing him, but that only filled me up with strength. 

"I'm sorry babe, I'll leave, you can stay in the apartment, please its the least I can do," he replied, as if that would really make it up to me.

"No, no fucking way I'm staying here. I'm leaving you, you're not leaving me. I don't want anything to do with you, anything that will remind me of you!" I screamed in rage. I reached for my ring, pausing for a second and holding onto it. With one quick movement, I slid it off my finger and slammed it on the ground in front of his feet.

"Goodbye Jared," I sneered, after grabbing my things and slamming the bedroom door.

I bolted down the stairs, out the front apartment building door, onto the street. The cold air felt good against my hot, burning skin. 

I broke down finally, letting out all of the tears I was holding in. I felt like a stupid idiot. I felt like I had just been walked all over on. Was there a giant sign taped to my back that said "cheat on me" ?

My hetic thoughts were getting the better of me, again. I needed to put them to rest. With a shaking hand, I grabbed my iPhone from my jacket pocket and dialed.


"Chase?" I whispered, trembling.


That's it!! Hope you liked it. Please show your love and vote or comment!! Please give me ideas!!! But now I feel I am on a bit of a roll YAY

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