Past Lovers. 3

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Sorry for the wait everyone. This week has been RIDICULOUS. I had so much work, so much college stuff, but now it's the weekend! Hope you all are enjoying this story! I have a lot planned (: So the video on the side is from my favorite movie 500 Days of Summer. In a way, this scene was very inspired by the movie itself. Listen, it's quite powerful!

Feedback please!!! If you liked it, show ittt!


In that moment, luck and chance met fate and destiny. In that turn of the head, the world of fantasy turned into the world of reality. In that slow approach, everything else seemed to drop away.

Two people, one city, five hundred coffee shops, and on this day, we both happen to be at the same coffee shop at the same time? Only fate was to blame.

Not even my wildest dreams could have prepared me for this. Like a Grecian Goddess she walked towards me, her tight pencil skirt moving along with her. Her hair was now shorter, hitting right above her slim shoulders. Her light eyes were plastic with excitement, but still had their fire.

"Hayden," I mumbled, as I staggered to my feet, knocking my knee against the coffee table.

She hesitated as she wrapped her arms around me, but I didn't care. All that mattered was that I was holding her again. Hayden pulled away quickly, and looked at me nervously with those doe eyes of hers.

"How are you?" I stammered. "Do you want to sit?" I gestured to the wooden upright chair on the other side of the table.

Again, she hesitated, but finally gave in, and gracefully lowered herself into the seat. Slamming my laptop closed, I gave her my undivided attention. We spent a few moments, just scrutinizing each other with our eyes. Her eyebrows crinkled at a strange angle, her body was hunched over with anxiety. I gave her my warmest smile, hoping to ease her nerves.

"You look good," I told her, speeding up the process. Who knows how much longer I would have with her? A few minutes? This was my chance, and I wasn't going to let it slip between my fingers.

She tucked a sleek lock of hair behind her ear. "Thanks . . ."

"How have you been?" I asked, desperate to keep the conversation going.

"I've been better, but no complaints," she lowly replied, nibbling on her thumbnail; one of her childhood habits.

"Is work good?"

"Pretty good," she shrugged, distancing herself from the subject. I scowled slightly, and felt the frustration build inside of me. "I'm still working at Wyatt & Cooper," she continued, after she noted my expression. "How's the . . . writing thing going?"

I dropped my head a little bit. "It's been better. The publishing industry is a nightmare."

"So I've noticed," she lowly agreed, her lack of enthusiasm and interest shining through. A long pause stood between us as the tension grew. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Well, I should run," she cooed tenderly and almost a little too formally. She avoided my eyes, as she gathered her belongings, and rose to her feet. "It was nice seeing you again. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Please, don't go yet, stay a little longer," I blurted, as I instinctively caught her left hand, desperate to hold onto her as long as I could. Warm heat was exchanged between our palms. I looked down to see my calloused hand tangled in her soft, manicured hand, and it felt so right . . . until the unaccompanied diamond on her ring finger reflected in the light. "You're . . . married?"

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