Past Lovers. 11

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This was a filler chapter for sure. Kind of boring but I tried to make it kind of fun and playful. I really need you guys to send me feedback. 


Sorry but I have severe writers block. The only way I'm gonna be able to continue to write this story is if you guys give me ideas. Remember this story is for you guys.

Also please read my new book "Barefoot" I promise you'll love it if you just give it a chance 

Much loveeee xo


That night, we partied like we were college kids again. We lost ourselves in shots, in glasses, in bottles of alcohol.

Wine, vodka, whiskey, rum.

We decided against Neon Lights Bar, which I was thankful for. Only bad memories were associated with that place. Switching it up, we hit up an old Irish Pub on the Lower East Side. 

For a crummy Wednesday night, the place was packed. Many were there to watch the New York Jets game. Of course, Hayden -- the closeted football fan -- was among them, cheering and hollering like one of the guys. 

That was something about her I loved. She was so complex. Labels couldn't even begin to define her. She was more than just a woman, more than MBA graduate, more than a president of a marketing firm. Hayden was one of the most interesting and captivating people I had ever met. 

I sighed, watching her as she high-fived other football fans. I couldn't help but wondered what she thought of me. If only I could get into her pretty, little head.

It honestly astounded me. That she could keep me around after all the stupid shit I had done over the years. I wasn't a catch like she was. I was just an alcoholic, penniless writer. A bum.

Sipping my beer, I asked myself the same question over and over again.

Why did she keep me around?

The game ended, but the drinks kept coming. Hayden could hold her liquor better than anyone. The woman drank like a fish, shot after shot, as she kept up with me.

But we were having fun, that was all that mattered. Our worries were quickly drowned in pools of alcohol. Tomorrow, reality would hit us even harder. But, we didn't care. Anything to make us forget for a while.

Guys continuously hit on Hayden. Naturally of course, she was a beautiful woman sitting at a bar with her friend.

But she wouldn't give any of them the time of day.

"It's too soon," she told me, after rejecting the third guy. "It just doesn't feel right yet."

A random man with broad shoulders and scruffy beard, who introduced himself as Nick, would not give up. He obviously didn't get the hint -- or he got it, but chose to ignore it.  

"How about we go back to my place?" He slurred. He was asking this kind of request only ten minutes into their conversation. I shook my head, repulsed by this creature.

Hayden gave him a disgusted smirk. "How about I stay here, and you go back to wherever you came from."

Nick hiccuped halfway through his chuckle. "You're feisty. I like it."

Hayden didn't respond this time. Instead, she turned her attention to the Post-Game talk playing on the television.

"Hey," Nick nagged. But Hayden remained still.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," Nick nagged again.

Once again, no response from Hayden. I was annoyed for her; this oaf had some serious nerve. I wanted to put the guy in his place, but didn't want to overstep my boundaries. Hayden always made it very clear that she could take care of herself.

"What are you deaf, bitch?"

Hayden finally broke her stare, but turned to me. She gave me a helpless yet fuming look. Obviously, an interference was necessary.

"Buddy," I called across the counter, trying to keep my cool but slowly growing with agitation. "Relax, alright? She's not in the mood. Just back off. Let the woman enjoy her drink."

Nick scoffed at me, after giving me a quick look up and down. "And who are you? Her father?" 

"No you bastard, I'm her fucking husband," I spat out.

Hayden's mouth dropped, and I quickly realized my horrible, horrible mistake. I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of the fight she was about to pick. 

I know I should have taken it back, and corrected myself to say 'ex husband' but that seemed to do the trick. Nick reluctantly walked away, without a single look back.

"I'm sorry, Hayden," I quickly stated as soon as he was gone. "I didn't mean it, you know that, I was just trying to get him away."

I was preparing myself for an explosion. I didn't mind fighting with her -- I'd rather fight for her every day of my life than not have her -- but just because I didn't mind it, didn't mean I liked it. Fighting with her was exhausting. Even if she was wrong, I was always the one who took the blame.

You know you're in love when you put up with that kind of shit.

"Chase, it's fine," she murmured. "Thank you. That guy was such a fucking creepy."

A bit shocked, I let out a relieved sigh. It felt good to not duke it out for once. Maybe, we had both grown up a bit during our three years apart.

They say fighting brings out the most passion, but in that moment, my attraction to her was unstoppable. I wanted to grab her, kiss her with all the fire in my heart, carry her to my bed, and let loose.

But I couldn't. Friends don't do that.

This was going to be harder than I thought it would be. But I was just going to have to deal with it. I had been given a second chance, and I wasn't going to let that go to waste.

To forget about all my feelings, to forget about the past and the future, I drank hard. And Hayden, of course, joined in. We drank to oblivion. And we were happy there.

By three in the morning, we headed out. We probably should have called a cab, but both of us were too drunk to dial a phone, let alone step into the middle of a street.

So we walked.

Walked isn't the right word. We staggered and stumbled down several blocks, laughing and holding onto each other for support.

"In college," I started, already laughing at my proceeding joke. "I tried to get a 4.0...blood alcohol content."

Hayden almost keeled over from laughing so hard. She gasped for air, as she heaved from uncontrollable laughter.

"God, I miss laughing with you," she said, once she calmed down.

My heart stopped a beat. For some reason, those words gave me such comfort and confidence. 

"Is that why you keep me around?" I asked, indirectly bringing up my subconscious concerns.

She smiled, swinging her arms around her as she walked. "That, and other reasons. You're not as bad of a guy as you think."

I sighed. "Thanks, but that doesn't mean much."

"It should," she brightly answered, with a grin on her face. "All men are scum. Don't think you're so special," she teased, as she reached out for a street light post and swung around it. 

Her hair trailed along behind her, as the light glistened in her eyes. My heart melted in my chest as she gave me the sweetest and purest of all smiles.

Somehow, Hayden always knew the right thing to say. 

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