Past Lovers. 20

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I blamed this entire night on magic. We had entered a magical, fantasy world, where no evil existed. No demons from the past, no regrets or fears.

Just love. Endless, beautiful love.

Our bodies became one again. We were like puzzle pieces that finally fit together. Kissing her again made me feel complete, as though I had lost a giant chunk of my soul and had just found it.

One by one, the clothes started to come off.

Her sweater, my button down. Her pants, my pants. Until we were down to our underwear, passionately caressing each other as the sea rocked us back and forth in unison with our rhythm. 

"Wait," she huffed, pulling her face a few inches away.

I narrowed my eyes down at her. "What. what's wrong?" 

"Nothing," she bit on her bottom lip, and looked away.

But I pulled her attention back. "No, Hayden. Tell me, please."

"Not here." Her eyes twinkled under the moonlight. "Let's go home."

I sighed. I mean, to be honest, it's every California Boy's dream to have sex on a boat. But hey, I had to respect her wishes. I was on Cloud 9, without a care in the world.

Throwing on my clothes as fast as possible, I turned the key and brought the boat to life. With a flick of my wrist, the boat sped off into the current, crashing against the harsh Pacific waves. With the moon and the stars as our guide, we glided into the night, until we arrived to our old dock.

I could see the lights of the house were off, only with one torch leading the way to the porch. I almost had a flashback to our younger years, I had forgotten that I had even left California. That part of my life, spent in New York City, seemed to empty. There wasn't much that had changed my life there, except for losing the love of my life. But that, that was now in the past.

Hayden and I crept up the stairs, and blew out the candles that flickered on the porch. Slowly, we slithered into the house, careful to not wake up my mother.

Hayden took my hand, and smiled with all the beauty in the world. She led me into the guest bedroom, and swiftly locked the door behind us. 

"Chase, I have to tell you something," she bit down on her bottom lip, the light from the moon beaming in through the window.

She sat next to me on the edge of the bed. Tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, I asked, "What's up?"

Hayden let out a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

"This is kind of hard for me to say," she started. "You know, I'm really fucking scared because of what's happened to me in the past. The way I scares me, because it makes me so goddamn vulnerable, but I'm in love with you. I'm crazy about you, I always have been. And I can't stop it. I can't control it, even though sometimes I wish I could. I can't even be with someone else. It's you. It's always been you, and it always will be you."

These were the words I was waiting hear, needed to hear. These were the words that would change everything. These were the words that were taken right out of my mouth.

She was mine, and I was hers. We were on the same page. 

"I have something to show you," I stated, jumping up with an idea that popped into my head.

Quickly running down the hall, I grabbed my briefcase, and ran back. Hayden's face looked shocked and slightly disappointed. But I was about to turn that frown upside down. Scrambling through the loose leaf pages, I pulled together an assortment of my writing.

Without a word, I handed the pages for her to read. She flipped through them carefully, taking every little word in. She'd let out little sighs here and there. Tears started to fall from her eyes onto the pages, smudging the ink, but I didn't care. 

"Is this...about me?" She looked up at me, with tears in her eyes.

I exhaled, and closed my eyes. WIth a meek smile on my face, I murmured, "I love you, Hayden. I always have, and I always will. I loved you the day I met you."

We both exchanged smiles before kissing again. I threw my arms around her and pulled her down onto the bed with me. She was so posed, so perfect. Even with her hair messy, and her eyes glassy. Holding her with all of my might, I kissed her lips, wanting it to never end.


No longer magical, but surreal. How amazing, yet wild this was all becoming. How quickly my world could be flipped on its axis. How we could come from what we were -- enemies and exes -- to what we were now. 

For the first time in my life, I felt like somebody was up there watching over me. I'm not a religious man, not even close, but my whole life I felt as though I was just born unlucky. But tonight, I was the luckiest man in the world.

I must have done something right.

Hayden sat up and slipped her clothes off, revealing everything to me. My eyes glistened to see the most amazing woman in the world right in front of me. She was like a vision of beauty to me, and I was completely mesmerized. 

We took it slow, building up, but the night was ours. Hayden was still a flower to me, blossoming under my touch. Nothing had changed over the past three years. It was still like making love for the very first time. Timid, but ravenous, driven by uncontrollable passion and lust.

Nothing could stop the love between us, nobodoy could stop the love between us.

Just us two. That's the way it should be. No Penelope, No Jared.

We didn't need them, we didn't want them. We just needed each other. Because the love between us was too strong to resist. A love that starts with birth and grows with age. A love between childhood best friends, between high school sweethearts, between husband and wife.

We were born to love each other. 


yay next chapter. tried to keep it kind of sexy but not graphic. but yeah ill let you guys enjoy a bit of the romance for a while. 

all i can say about the twist coming up, it wont destroy their relationship. it'll just be a little shocking little turn, but don't worry...

every story has it's happy ending.......

eventually, right?

sorry for the short length again. it's hard to write long chapters for this story, just because i struggle with length to begin with. i'm running out of things to write, because this story is coming to an end. but i'm trying to keep a realistic pace. so for now, i hope you still enjoy the updates.

much love!

also check out my story "The Bad Boy's Game"  just saying, if you like my writing and want to read more after this is finished, I would definitely check it out!

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