Past Lovers. 6

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I spent most of my nights in a haze. Now that Hayden was back in my life, I couldn't tell the difference between my dreams and my reality. Often times, I woke awake from my dream, thinking it was reality. And other times, my dreams would slip away and an bittersweet awakening would set in.

I never spoke to Penelope again. After our unusual phone call, my life was put into a different perspective, one she was definitely not included in. She may have had good intentions, but she was trouble from the start.

As for Hayden and me, we continued full speed ahead. We both made the effort to repair what had been damaged; after all, it wasn't going to happen over night. But every waking minute I spent with her was another minute I spent towards writing. She brought me inspiration I just couldn't deny.

Similar to Love Always, my new untitled novella featured us. They say, "write what you know." Our story -- as children, as teenagers, as lovers, as husband and wife, as enemies, as friends -- wanted to be told, needed to be told. From start to finish.

* * *

Through the shower water, I heard the phone ringing at a full blare. Soaking wet, I flew out of the bathroom, and grabbed the phone.


"Chase, hi, it's Hayden."

I smiled with relief. "I was hoping you would call. How have you been?" 

"Busy with work and such . . ."

I nodded, and admired the soft tone in her voice. It was like music to my ears. 

"Yeah, I can imagine."

She paused briefly. "I'm really sorry about the other night . . . I acted like a fool, a drunken fool."

"Hey, don't worry about it. Believe me, it happens to all of us."

"I know," she sighed. "But it doesn't make me feel any less foolish."

I paused, tempted to ask a demanding question. I could spend hours on the phone with her, talking about nothing, but I knew she had alternative motives. "So, why did you call?" 

"I wanted to invite you to my dinner party tomorrow night . . ."

I scratched my wet head, and crinkled my eyebrows. "Do you think that's a good idea?"

"I don't see why not . . . we're friends now, aren't we? Isn't this what friends do?" 

"I guess, but don't you think it might be a little . . . weird? Having your ex husband at your dinner party?"

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward," she snapped. "If you don't want to come, then just say so. Don't make up bogus reasons why you shouldn't attend."

"No, no, no," I panicked. "I do want to come. More than anything," I sighed. "What time?"


* * *

Flying up the stairs of her apartment building, I rang the buzzer and smoothed down my hair. My watch read 7:42. Late enough to not be the first one, and early enough to not seem rude. 

"Hullo?" Hayden's voice statically came on the intercom.

I pressed the button with my icy cold fingers. "Hayden, it's Chase. Let me in."

"Come on up." 

The building door opened, and I made my way up the multiple flights of stairs. I panted my way along. Man, I was really out of shape, I thought to myself as I caught my breath. They need an elevator. 

I could hear the party from the top step. As I walked up to 2B, the sound of people laughing and getting wine wasted grew louder. Two knocks on the door did it. Neither Hayden nor Jared answered the door; just a random party go-er.

She wore a tight black dress, black sheer tights, and red pumps. Her eyes were rimmed with black, her lips were painted red to match her shoes, and her blonde hair delicately draped her bony shoulders. Her perfectly manicured fingers tapped her wine glass. 

"Hello, stud," she cooed, her breath reeking of alcohol. "Where have you been all my life? Now the party can really start." 

"Excuse me," I brushed her aside, as I searched the crowd of strangers for Hayden.

As I hung up my peacoat, the blonde woman pinched my ass. After years of observing drunk women at the Neon Lights Bar, I've learned it's just best to ignore them. Eventually, they'll move on and find new prey.

I moved through the apartment, my eyes fixated on one and only thing. Her fiance, Jared, was in the living room with some guys, watching a football game. They each had a beer and chugged each time the ball was passed. The women, who drank out of multiple wine bottles, sat in the foyer and wept as they compared their shitty lives. Hayden was not among them. 

I found her making a food platter. I drifted into the kitchen and crept up behind her.

"Holy shit," she squealed, slamming her cooking knife down. "God, you gave me a heartache."

"Sorry about that," I grinned, as I handed her my gift warmer; a bottle of Italian 1992 Chardonnay.

Her eyes sparkled, as she examined the glass bottle. "Chase, this is so sweet, you didn't have to."

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

She opened her kitchen drawer and rummaged through it. Hayden handed me a corkscrew and the bottle back. I opened it as she grabbed two wine glasses. With a grin, I poured us both the aged wine up to the half line.

We sipped it, letting the grape flavor tickle our throats. After, she went back to chopping up vegetables. 

"You know, I spoke to Penelope the other day . . ." I brought up, as I hopped onto the kitchen counter and watched her prepare her food. 

She kept her head bent, but her chopping became firmer. "Oh yeah? What about?" 

"Just the past," I murmured before taking a big gulp. "You know, she's really sorry."

"Well, I'm sorry too," she sneered. "That's she's a big slut and can't keep her hands off of other people's husband."

I grunted. "Hayden, you know that's not how it was." 

"No? Are you trying to tell me my husband wasn't a cheater and my best friend wasn't a whore?" She glared at me. "By all means, enlighten me otherwise."

"May I remind you that not many years ago, you made out with my best friend when we're together." 

Hayden gawked. "Tyler? I cannot believe you brought that up! I was seventeen, Chase, I was young and stupid. And at that time, you were my boyfriend, not my husband."

"I'm just saying, the situation is much different. It's the thought that counts, right?" I scowled. 

She sighed. "Look, I'm not in the mood for this right now. I've got a house full of people I have to entertain. Have a good time, and let it go. Don't make me regret inviting you." 

Hayden pushed me aside as she carried a platter of food out to the main room. She had gone from super hot to icy cold. She could be a real bitch when she wanted to be. That woman drove me crazy, and I loved her for it. 


I'm so sorry for the impossible wait. I've had awful writer's block but I've worked through it now. Next chapter will be the FLASH BACK. where the reason their marriage ended will be explained! wooh. okay, thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out my newest story, Three is a Crowd. From now until this and that story is finished, I WILL ONLY BE WRITING THESE TWO. So, more updates coming your way. I've also been accepted to my first choice college, which means SENIORITIS, so I'll be doing less homework and more writing. Whoopi! Leave your comments. Remember votes and comments inspire mee to write! I wanna try to get 100 votes on this chapter, so I need your help! 

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