Past Lovers. 25

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And so we were married, and lived happily ever after. After spending two weeks together in Thailand, our relationship was better than ever.

We spent every waking and sleeping moment together. Every day was filled with laughter and endless love. 

I was afraid though.

Everything seemed to be too good to be true. I was afraid that when we were back at home in New York City, things would turn sour. When you're on a beautiful island, secluded from the rest of the evil world, it's easy to be happy. But when nasty external factors come into play, that's when problems arise. 

Of course, I feared a turn of events. After all, at one point many years ago, we were married and head over heels in love. But as well all know, that ended in divorce.

I was not going to let that happen again. I was going to do everything in my power to keep her for the rest of my life.

I wanted to watch our kids grow up, I wanted to watch as she grew older, I wanted to see her face right before I died, I wanted to be buried next to her in the grave so I could rest with her for eternity.

If she ever left again, I probably wouldn't be able to keep it together; you'd probably read about me in the local newspaper.

Published author Chase Levine jumps off Brooklyn Bridge.

However, Hayden made it clear that she felt the same way as I did. She was in it to win it. And we both resolved that any problems we faced, we would tackle them together.

7 Months Later

Back in New York City, everything was running smoothly. 

We found a new apartment on the Upper West Side. It was affordable, and felt like home, but was bigger and more suited for a family.

After all, Hayden was already in her final trimester. She worked as much as she could, until she was put on bed-rest two months before her due date. 

Having her home all the time made publishing my next novel difficult. I had finished it right after we got back from Thailand, filling the last few pages with the Zen Master's wisdom. 

My editor said it was my best work yet, sure to make the Best Seller's List. 

The phone was constantly ringing, as I was being called in for several meetings and approvals and other none sense. 

Everything was falling into place at a rapid speed. Before I knew it, the publishing company was waiting for me to designate a release date. 

But I had to wait. You see, I wanted to release the book the day of my child's birth.

This book meant so much to me. I had written it for Hayden, but the last few chapters I had written for my child.

I wanted my child to know how much I loved their mother. I wanted my child to know how much I would love them. I wanted my child to know everything it took to get to where we were now.

On April 5th, a beautiful and crisp Spring day in the city, I got a phone call. I had just been out shopping for the final touches to the baby's room. 

The call came from one of Hayden's good co-worker friends, Elizabeth. Hayden had just went into labor.

After hanging up, I sprang into action. Running to our apartment, I gave the publishing company a call, and grabbed the hardcover copy of the book from my desk drawer. 

After a speedy cab ride, I arrived at the hospital and ran around like a madman in search of my wife.

Finally, after talking to several receptionists, I was directed to the maternity wing where I found Elizabeth sitting in the lounge.

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