Past Lovers. 19

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Hayden got dressed in a crew neck sweater and cut off shorts. With her long brown hair in a loose braid, she looked boat ready.

Grabbing the basket I packed with a blanket and wine, I took her hand and led her down the narrow wooden steps from our house out onto the beach.We slid our shoes off, and squished the California sand between our toes.

The sun was nearly set, leaving the sky with a beautiful indigo tint. The moon was already out, hazing through the navy sky, and a few stars began to peak out. 

My father's boat was untouched, still docked on the right side of our private wharf. Hopping on, I placed the basket on the driver chair, and helped Hayden in. She daintily bounced, then made herself comfortable on the padded seat in the front of the boat. That was her spot, the same spot she sat on when we were young and still seventeen.

It felt odd to touch the wheel of the boat. Strange, and foreign, but also unnatural. This boat was how my father left it, one of the last pieces of him, and now I was wrecking what he preserved. His hands were the last to touch this wheel, and now my hands rested upon it. 

I turned the key, and revved the engine, letting it warm up a bit. One of my mother's friends, Robert, did some routinely maintenance on the boat, but I didn't want to take my chances. 

I untied the knots that held the boat to the dock, and then looked back at Hayden. Her attention was held by the sea. Little whisps of her hair danced in the wind, and framed her perfect face.

Tonight was the night.

I could feel it in my bones. A change was coming, and it started with me. Whether she would follow me was up to fate, the Gods watching over us. But something told me the odds were in my favor. 

"Let's get lost at sea," she proclaimed, closing her eyes. "Let's take a three hour tour, and never come back. What do you say?" 

I chuckled and threw the gear shift forward. "Sounds like a plan to me." 

The boat glided ontop of the water, smoothly, gentley, but rapidly. Hayden had to nearly hold onto the frame of the boat to stop herself from flying backwards. But once we hit the open sea, where the waves were calm and cool, she relaxed.

I found the perfect spot, not too far off from a random, abandoned island. Putting the boat in neutral, I grabbed the basket and made my way towards Hayden.

Drapping the blanket around her shoulders, I pulled out the bottle of wine. She slid over, and made some room for me to join her on the front end seat. I passed the bottle to her to hold as I searched the basket for the wine opener.

"Fancy stuff you got here," she commented with a light chuckle, as she examined the label. 

"Only the best," I remarked after I popped the bottle open. Sprawling out, I leaned back and stared at the stars.

She looked at me, expecting more. "Um, Chase?" 


She giggled. "Did you pack any glasses? Cups?"

I jumped up. "Oh shit! I totally forgot, it completely slipped my mind!"

She continued to laugh. "That's okay. What did I use to say in college...oh yeah, girls with class don't need a glass," she murmured, taking a swig right out of the bottle. 

Seeing her with that bottle to her lips gave me a flashback to our golden, glory college days. We were crazy fools back then. Just madly in love, living life to the fullest until we had to get all serious. We drank, we smoked, we partied. Those were the days.

"God, I miss college," I chuckled.

She took another swig. "Preaching to the too."

I looked back up at the stars. "It feels like so long ago. We were so young..."

"So in love..." she continued. 

I looked down and back at her. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Hayden, what's wrong?" I slipped my arm around her.

She wiped a tear from her cheek, but still shuddered. "Don't you miss it? The past? Our past?" 

"Of course, I do. I miss it every day, I miss the way we used to be every day."

Her eyes met mine, and suddenly I felt compelled. This was the moment, the moment I was patiently yet eagerly waiting for. This was our moment. 

Using the arm that was around her, I pulled her closer. Taking a pause, I made sure this gesture was okay with her. She looked...happy. In one split moment, with all the passion and love in my heart, I pressed my lips against hers. 

Fireworks went off in my head. The years and years love I felt for her couldn't be stopped. 

"Wait..." she pulled away. "What are you doing?"

I shook my head, instantly regretting my impulses. "I'm so sorry, Hayden. I don't know what came over me."

She shook her head. "Stop, don't talk."

Hayden put her hands on my face, and pulled me in for another kiss. I threw both of my arms around her, and held her tight, kissing her with all my might. Pressing my body against hers, I let myself go. I didn't care about anything else, I didn't care about the past, or the future. All I cared about was her, in my arms again. 




I don't know what I'm gonna do next, I'm gonna be wrapping up the story pretty soon, however...there is more in store. You didn't think I was gonna just give them a happy ending with just smooth sailing, did you?

Come on, you guys know me better. Something will happen, something that will flip their worlds upside down.


I gave you love, now give me soooome lovin back. 

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