Past Lovers. 21

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Hey guys sorry for the wait!!! I just started my second year of college so it has been absolutely crazy, running around, doing homework and never having a moment to myself. So I woke up this morning, hungover, and decided to stay in bed all day and write. Luckily all my friends are currently slaving over the homework that they left to the last minute.

So here's the next chapter 


Sunlight crept through the bedroom window, and reflected off of Hayden's glowing skin and hair. She looked so beautiful, so peaceful while she slept. I watched as her chest slightly rised, then fell.

I was still in shock from last night. My mind couldn't grasp the concept. Hayden, the woman I had loved since birth, the woman I had and lost, the woman I had searched and searched for, was finally in my arms again.

Three long years to get back to this point. Three long years. It was worth the wait. I would have waited forever for her if I had to.

Although, I am glad I didn't have to.

I tried to wake her up in the most delicate way possible: I kissed her lips, her forehead, her cheek, her nose. 

"Wake up," I whispered into her ear, before brushing my lips against it.

She stirred slightly, before opening her sleepy eyes.

"Good morning," she croaked, giggling slighty.

I kissed her deeply, and pulled the sheet up closer to us. But she didn't seem to into it.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, as she bit down on her bottom lip and nodded. But her eyes were filled with sorrow. "Do you regret last night?"

With a meek, yet powerful smile, she shook her head. "No, not at all," she whispered. "It just takes some time getting used to." 

I nodded, and pulled my arm around her tighter. "What do you want to do today?"

"How about the beach?" She suggested, with a twinkle in her eyes. 

Simple as that. Taking our time, we showered, ate breakfast, and got dressed for the beach. The sun was shining, almost blinding on this hot afternoon. The closer we walked to the shore though, the cooler the breeze that ruffled our hair felt.

Hayden and I spent all day at the beach. We didn't do much: walked around, jumped in the water, slept in the sand. But it was one of the most amazing days of my life. All because of her. Every time I looked at her, I had to stop and catch my breath. She was mesmerizing, like a glorious vision sent from above. 


For the rest of our vacation, Hayden and I were in utmost bliss. Without a care in the world, we spent every day together under the sun, and every night together under the stars. We both seemed happier here. 

You know, when you live in a fast-moving city, you become a fast-moving person. You're always in a hurry and you never stop to worry, as The Rolling Stones once said. And you begin to lose the essence of life.

It passes you by, without notice. It becomes the past, and you continue to walk into the future. But what about the present? Nobody stops for a moment, and chooses to cherish the presence. 

We're always either lingering too far in the past, or charging too far into the future. We don't live in the present. Not in New York City at least.

Here, in California, we lived for the present. For us, right here, right now, together as one. 

Unfortunately, we got too caught up in the present. As if there was such a thing. When you live too much in the present, you forget what the past has taught you. When you live too much in the present, you forget to consider what will happen next in the future.

Three weeks later, we received news that would change our futures forever.

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