Past Lovers. 12

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Two weeks went by, and the living arrangement with Hayden was working pretty well. It was a bit cramped for the two of us, but we made it work. I was much happier just having her around anyway. Hayden worked during the day too, so we both got a bit of needed space. 

I got most of my writing done while she was gone. Every night, I would brew up ideas that filled my head. The next day, when she was gone, I'd write those ideas until she was back. Then I would start all over again.

The routine worked. What I was moved to write was some of my best stuff. I got in contact with my old publisher, and showed him what I had started and even he was blown away.

Hayden was my ultimate muse. 

All I wanted to do was write about all of these wonderful emotions she filled me up with. It was beautiful, and it needed to be shared. Hayden wasn't even aware of the power she held. She still had no idea I was writing while she was gone. 

That was the most beautiful part of Hayden.

She was always with me, even when she gone. 

That's what got me through all of those miserable years. They were miserable because she wasn't physically there. But she was always there, in my head and in my heart.

I don't care about the success of my next novel "Never Too Late". I don't care if it flies off the shelves, gets highly reviewed, or makes Oprah's Book Club. If it shows Hayden what I need her to see, then I'll consider it my masterpiece.


I was just finishing up a chapter, when Hayden walked in. Quickly setting my work aside, I walked into the living room to greet her.

"Can I get you a glass of wine?" I asked her, as she flopped onto the couch.

She groaned. "Yes, please. I'm beat."

I opened a bottle of chardonnay and poured each of us a giant glass. With a glass in each hand, I made my way to the couch.

"So what's on the agenda for tonight?" I asked, handing her a glass. "It's Friday night. We're still young! We need to go out."

She took a big gulp of her wine. "Well, my boss is throwing a dinner party, but I'd rather skip out on that."

"You don't want to go?" I gave her a puzzled look.

Hayden took a big gulp of her wine. "No. I'd rather shoot myself in the foot," she bluntly answered. My facial expression didn't change, so she continued. "I mean, you usually take your significant other to these kind of things. Nobody in the office knows about my split from Jared, so if I went to this dinner party, everyone would be up my ass in questions about why he's not there with me. Not my idea of a good time."

"Oh," I muttered, seeing her predicament. "But I still think you should go. Maybe it's time to tell everyone."

She shook her head, the locks of her hair lightly dancing along. "I don't know...don't you think it's too soon?"

I shrugged. "I think the sooner the better. It's not like it affects them. Wouldn't you rather have them know?"

She swirled the wine her in glass around a bit. "I suppose. I'll go, on one condition."

I nodded for her to proceed.

"You have to come with me."

I nearly spat my wine out. "No fucking way, Hayden."

She battered her eyelashes and bit down on her bottom lip. "Please! I don't want to go alone," she begged.

"Oh no, don't start with that face," I stammered, trying to look away. 

Her puppy dog face was irresistable. How could I say no to her?

"Come on, Hayden, you know it's not a good idea, I'm pretty sure half your office hates me," I strongly stated.

She shook her head. "Only a few know about you. Please, just go with me as my friend. If I have to go through with this, I don't want to go through it alone."

Hayden made her puppy-dog face again. I knew this was going to bite me in the ass later, but I wanted to be there for her.

"Okay fine, but you owe me."

Hayden giggled. "You know, you're my favorite ever, right?" 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Will there be booze?" I asked.

Hayden scoffed, and sipped her wine. "That's a silly question. Would I go anywhere without alcohol present?"

I smirked. "Good answer," I raised my glass, and we clinked together.

"I need to start getting ready," Hayden exclaimed, throwing her glass down and jumping into action mode.

I sighed, kicked back and relaxed. I loved being a guy. All that primping and prepping was pointless to me. Instead, I pictured scenarios of how tonight would go. It couldn't be all too bad.

After I finished my glass, I decided to get changed into something nicer.

Knocking on the bedroom door, I asked, "Can I come in and get changed?"

"Yeah," she called out.

When I walked in, I saw Hayden in the connecting bathroom, applying her makeup in the mirror. Her hair was thrown up loosely, soft curls framing her face. She wasn't dressed yet, just in a white bathroom. I could see her red lace bra peeking out from underneath. I felt myself get slightly hard from the thoughts that popped into my head.

As I was buttoning my collar shirt, Hayden stepped back into the bedroom.

"Don't look, okay?" 

I nodded and turned around. From the corner of my eye, I could see her throwing a black dress over her perfect body. The things I wanted to do to her...

Filled with guilt, I looked away and focused on clipping my cuff links. 

"How do I look?" She asked a few moments later.

I turned to face her, and felt my mouth drop immediately. Her big, beautiful eyes were rimmed in black, causing them to stand out in contrast. The little black dress she wore hugged every flawless curve. 

"You look..."

I couldn't even find a word to describe how good she looked. Beautiful, hot, pretty, sexy -- none of them seem to do her justice. 

"You look absolutely stunning."

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