Past Lovers. 13

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I've beeeeen soo busy all summer long. I'm working two jobs (yikes) and when I'm not working, I'm with my friends.

Anywho, this is the next chapter, it's wicked short but I AM UPDATING WEDS!!!!! Hope you all like it! Please vote if you do and comment on your thoughts! Also, for all those bad boy lovers, I'm posting a new story called "The Bad Boy's Game" or "Love Games" havent decided on the title yet, but please check it out! 

Much love, xo


Hayden's POV

Chase looked good. A part of me was afraid to admit that for obvious reasons.

But as his friend, I could say that he cleaned up well. His usual scruff was gone, leaving his face looking about five years younger. His blonde hair was nicely combed, but still light and fluffy. His toned body was concealed by a freshly tailored slate grey suit. And his blue eyes...Those eyes always got to me.

He looked like the guy I fell in love with many, many years ago.

That was in the past though.

But we were in a good place now. We couldn't be lovers anymore, but we could be friends. That's all my trust level would allow. And after all, we were friends first.

Nevertheless, Chase was slowly, but surely redeeming himself. Day by day.

I wouldn't have been able to survive the Jared trauma without him, despite the irony. I mean, Chase was the one who damaged me first. But that didn't matter anymore.

Words couldn't describe how excited I was for the dinner party. But I was only excited because Chase was coming. Sure, it was going to suck having to explain my situation to everyone. But Chase was going to be there, right by my side.

And I always had fun with Chase, no matter what.

Once our bottle of wine was empty and our outfits were complete, we headed out into the streets on New York City.

It was raining but we were too faded to care. Tipsy, we tried walking twenty three blocks but gave up halfway through.

Sitting the backseat of the cab with Chase, watching the headlights pass us by, made me think. Not about us specifically, but about my entire life. One failed marriage, one failed engagement, and one failed friendship.

At least I had other friends, a great family, and a steady job.

But my love life was some kind of mockery, wasn't it? Maybe some people just aren't meant to find love.

I sighed, and looked over at Chase. I don't know what came over me -- maybe it was the wine or my unsettling loneliness -- but I grabbed his hand and pulled his arm over me, so I could curl upbeside him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, in his raspy voice. 

I shrugged underneath him. "I'm cold."

That made him pull his arm around me even tighter. It felt good to be close to him again, feeling his warmth around me. It felt like...home.


Sorry for how short it was. It was because everyone asked me for a Hayden POV. But I like telling the story better in Chase's POV so I'm saving more for that.

I have the day off on WEDS so expect a longgggg update about the dinner party!!

Thanks for reading PLEASE VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT and comment!!


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