Past Lovers. 16

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For a few days, Hayden was in a funk. 

I tried everything, but nothing I did worked. I figured it was good she had the weekend to recover. The first day after, she wept. Not sobbed, but simply wept, quietly, innocently. By Sunday, she was a zombie. No emotion, no movement. She laid in bed all day, just staring at the ceiling.

Monday came, still no progress.

"Hayden, come on, you have work," I cooed, as I stroked her forehead.

She rolled over on her side, away from me. "I'm not going." 

I left it at that.

I couldn't understand why she was taking this blow so hard. I mean, she had definitely gone through worse. When Jared and her first broke up, she was a wreck, but at least she was strong enough to go to work. Now, she was a vulnerable, wounded old soul. 

Tuesday and Wednesday came and went. But she did not. 

Every morning, we had the same battle. On Wednesday, there was some variance added to our conversation.

"Hayden, what's really going on with you?" I sympathetically asked, with a serious level of concern in my voice.

She let out a sharp sigh. "I'm not ready to face everyone at work. I'm utterly humiliated. Everyone knows I lied to them," she whispered, as a tear fell down her porcelain cheek.

Then, an idea popped into my head. A crazy idea, but an idea nonetheless. It was time for a change; for her, for me, for us. 

"Then, let's get away from here," I wildly murmured, with excitement glistening in my eyes.

Hayden sat up, and raised her eyebrows at me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." I struggled to put my idea into words. "You need a break from all of this. Maybe it's time we take a trip away from the Big Apple. Just to clear your head, and get some fresh air." 

Hayden looked baffled by my spontaneous suggestion. "Chase...where would we even go?"

A cheeky grin spread across my face. "California."

She gaped a little. "California?"

I nodded, grabbing her hand. "Yes, let's go back to where it all began. Let's get away from this deadbeat city, and relax under the sun at the beach. My mother has been asking about you since I told her you moved in with me."

She scoffed, her eyes darting around. "But Chase..." She looked startled. "We can't."

"Yes we can, Hayden," I replied wildly. "Let's be real, it's not like you're going to work anytime soon. I think going away for a while would be good for you. Give you some time and space to think and recover. And by the time were back, I can assure you, you'll be in a better place, ready to go back and face whatever comes your way," I passionately bellowed. "Give yourself a break, Hayden. You deserve one."

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. "Chase, I don't know..."

"Come on, Hayden. What have you got to lose at this point?"

Hayden looked down, then brought her pretty eyes back up at me. She gave me the first smile I had seen in days -- her lips were a bit scared, but tender and trusting. 

"Okay, let's go to California," she said.

I jumped up. "Let's go to California," I exclaimed. 

We sprung into action after that. I booked the soonest yet cheapest flights I could find, and we packed a weeks worth of belongings. As the day went on, the excitement within us grew. We both finally had something to look forward to.

For some reason, I had an extremely good feeling about this trip. We had fallen in love in California just a few years ago. And there was hope budding inside of me that if we could do it once, we could do it again.

We just both needed to get away from this city of nightmares and bad memories to see each other in the same way we once did. We had already come so far, we just needed that extra push.

Hayden was nervous, I could tell. She later revealed to me that she was afraid of how my mother would treat her.

"Hayden, don't worry. My mom has always loved you, since you were in diapers. That has never changed, and it never will."

I was especially excited to see my mom. She was never able to fully recover after my father's death. And she was crushed when I told her that I was moving to the other side of the country with Hayden a few years ago.

However, I knew she was going to be absolutely overjoyed to see us. I wasn't going to call her and inform her of our spontaneous trip; a little surprise never hurt anyone.

Hayden and I arrived at the airport at 8:17 P.M. for our red-eye flight. God, there was nothing I hated more than the airport. First the stupid check in, then the security, then the terminal waiting -- it was endless torture. 

But it was all going to be worth it.

Finally, the terminal intercom informed us it was time to board. Butterflies hit the pit of my stomach in excitement and anticipation. I knew that when I woke up tomorrow, groggy and jet lagged, I'd be back at home, with the love of my life beside me. 

Memories flooded my brain; thoughts of the ferris wheel, night boat rides, summer parties. Our love was so strong back then. And although our starry youth was gone, I had a feeling our love could only grow stronger with time. 

I was ready to take that leap with her. And I hoped that after this trip, she would be ready to leap with me.

Yay finally, time to go back to California. I love writing about California, especially in the summer time. I'll make it extra summery for everyone, cause who doesn't love to read about the beach when the sun is shining in August.

Please leave your comments and vote if you liked it!! You guys really help me through this. Remember how I had such bad writers block for two years??? So glad to be past that.

Also. If you like my writing, please check out my other story "The Bad Boy's Game" I'm actually sticking with that story *how many times have you heard me say that* but this one is a story close to my heart and I'm actually good at it. So please, check it out!! 

Thanks everyone! Much love xo

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