Chapter XIII

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hey guys, i'm so sorry for being gone for so long. i had bad writer's block, then school was weird and i just gave up, really. seeing all your comments motivated me to try again, so let's see if two years upped my writing game any!


Tony's POV

Waking up in your own bed is definitely one of the better parts of being injured. Hospital rooms are uncomfortable, and the smell of antiseptic certainly isn't pleasant in the least. Ending up there isn't a highlight of any month. So yeah, waking up in my warm, soft, memory foam mattress is a major plus.

The ache in my chest worsened as I breathed deeply and I couldn't help but wince. Sitting up turned the ache into a slight burning sensation, but I pushed the pain aside and stood. Okay Tony, shallow breaths, go one step at a time. You have this, it's just like installing the arc reactor. With that little pep talk in my mind, I walked out of the room with my back straight and my chin held in a near-regal manner. You can do this, you're Anthony Howard Stark. Stark men are made of ice and steel.

Of course, that only lasted maybe half a hallway before Loki phased into existence in front of me, arms crossed an scowl on his lips. Crap, he probably had some sort of monitor spell to keep track of me. Being injured sucks, big time.

"Anthony, go back to bed. You're exhausted and you're going to tear your stitches again if you keep moving around," he gruffly snapped at me. I could hear the frustration in his voice, but there was no real fury or anger in his voice. Maybe he just felt worried..?

"Loki, I can promise you I'm fine, see?" I lifted my arms but the tug that came with the motion forced me to draw my elbows in, toward my hips. He pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing as well as I did that the stitches might break if I kept moving around, or rip skin if they were too tight. Just thinking about that made a shudder run down my spine. Now that is one painful experience you never want to have ever again. "S-see, totally fine."

"I'll be frank with you, Tony: I am calling complete and utter bullshit, and you're going back to bed, now." I can say with a straight face that I didn't expect what happened next- Loki grabbed my ear and dragged me by it to my room.


"You know as well as I do that you need bedrest. Why must you be so idiotic," the demigod muttered under his breath as he dragged me along, opening the door and pulling me inside. Once he finally let go of my ear, I bent my head and rubbed it, hissing in pain.

"Dude, not the ear, ow..." Loki gave me a baleful look and just gestured to the bed. With some minor complaining, I flopped down on it and got a swat on the shoulder. "Hey!"

"Careful, Stark," he reproached me with a scowl. He flicked his hand and the bed tossed me up a bit, rearranging itself and swallowing me up with my covers once I landed. "You might not get such gentle treatment next time."

That was a complete and utter lie, I could tell by his tone and the look in his eye that he didn't mean it. "Fine, but I'm not staying in bed unless you join me." I mostly said that for the reaction. I didn't really get one.

"...fine." He climbed onto the bed next to me and laid down, his hair seeming to flow over the pillow next to my head. I couldn't help but smile a bit, then closed my eyes. "Now sleep." It felt like lead filled my body and I drifted off, magic clear in the air and sharp as peppermint on my tongue.

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