Chapter V

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter V

Loki's PoV

Tony ruffled my hair and left me to my own devices, in his room. I felt the urge to snoop, but bit down on it.

'It's rude, he basically saved you,' my heart whispered. The mischievous part of my head retorted, 'he may have something on the doctor that we can use to our advantage. And maybe the blackmail box~' it murmured.

"Nope, not gonna, respecting his privacy.... Fine. One peek," I muttered to myself. Curiosity was going to kill the Loki one day...

I first examined the night stand, scanning the top. A box of tissues, a glass of water, two chocolate bar wrappers, medium sized picture frame on its front, a bottle of- what?

I flipped the frame up, not believing what I saw. Tony was holding hands with a rather lovely lady with carrot red hair, some freckles and green eyes like new cedar needles. They were walking barefoot on the beach, all smiles and lovey. But that wasn't the reason why it was face down. The half with whoever that was was cracked and broken glass only just stayed in the wrought metal frame. Spiderweb hairlines were focused in a fist shape at her middle, like he wanted to punch her in the stomach. Did this mysterious girl break Tony's heart?

I set it back down, feeling empty for some reason. What was the word... Sympathetic? I felt really bad for Tony. Broken hearts aren't good for anyone...

The entire room shuddered, the bed scooting towards the door. I stood and peeked outside. Nobody in the hall, maybe I can help Tony. I quickly made my way towards the wing and turned to see a gaping hole in one wall.

"What the-" I barely dived out of Tony's way as he hurtled through the hole, hitting the other wall and leaving a huge dent. "Tony, what happened?"

His voice sounded slightly metallic through the helmet, "the doctor's some psycho with his own Iron Man suit. You're going to need to go back, unless you want to get blasted or crushed!" He threw himself back into battle, landing blows I didn't even see begin. The doctor fought back, grinning maniacally. This was insane! I hurried back to the room, feeling useless as can be.

Tony's PoV

"Jarvis, run a scan, I want any openings," I ordered. He replied with a yes, sir and charted any openings that could be possible. There weren't any.

"Sir, he hasn't left any openings, and he has some sort of energy shield where the face mask should be," stated Captain Obvious.

"No shit, Sherlock. Is there any way to bust it?" I was given an immediate response, "no, sir."

I grumbled at my horrible luck and ducked a right hook that could take my head off. Damn Dr. What's-His-Face and his armor. He copied mine but colored it black and blue, the only difference besides his modifications; multi-use lasers and some sort of gunk that can glue you to the floor in a second.

"Hey you in the illegal suit! Your name's so stupid, I can't even remember it!" I jeered, hoping for what happened.

"It's Dr. Finite, Stark!" He roared, using his anger to fuel his punches- which overshot and left openings galore. I ducked under and gripped his leg, chucking him towards the hangar. The wall didn't stand a chance, it crumpled like a tin can. Dr. Finite stopped after hitting the third plane in the landing gear, flat on his back.

"Had enough?" I flew next to him. I must have stood too close because he grabbed my ankle and flung me through a door, three layers of metal and into a turbine at full speed.

"Jarvis get me outta here!" I yelled, skidding around the bottom. The blades started to cut through my suit; it was enough to make my body sting all over. The power boosted just enough for me to direct myself towards the door, using my momentum to crash into the mad doctor. We tumbled into a heap, stopping next to a totaled plane. I felt adrenaline jolt me and I got to my feet, pulling Dr. Finite up. His shield was down, the blue flicker gone.

"Night night Doctor." I gave him a quick one to the jaw and saw him slump to the floor, out for the count. I saw blood trickle down his chin and looked at my hand smeared with blood, like when I fought the Chitari. Oops, don't think about that! I felt a panic attack coming on despite my efforts. I made for a doorway and leaned against it, panting shallowly.

"Goddammit!" I knelt and tried my best to calm down, breathing deeply and clearing my head. 'Just breathe Tony...'

After a while I relaxed enough to pick up the Doc, carry him to Fury and barely avoid stumbling into Agent Hill before returning to my room, taking my suit off and storing it. My skin screamed as air hit it, dizziness washing over me. I barely made it to my bed and didn't feel myself pass out, until after I began bleeding on my sheets.

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