Chapter II

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter II

(A/N: Maybe I'll keep posting if I get good comments... Two or three would make my day ^w^)

Loki's PoV

I finally laid down for the first time all day around eleven. My job kept me so busy.

Hiding from my so-called family would've been hard if I hadn't gone undercover. Cut and styled my hair to slightly spiky chin length, brown colored contacts, and a Midgardian wardrobe, and I became a twenty-three Midgardian by the name of Alex Iverson. I acquired a job at a restaurant and soon rented an apartment.

I untied my apron with some difficulty (I didn't want to stand anymore) and tossed in the hamper's general direction. I was almost asleep in my work clothes before I remembered to set the coffee pot in the too-far-away kitchen.

"Crap." I rolled off the comfy bed and fell to the floor, my feet catching me a bit too late. I faceplanted, hard. "Oooowwwww..... I'm awake, universe, leave me alone." I stood and rubbed my sore nose, heading to the kitchen on sore feet. 'They should let us use rollerblades..'

If I was in Asgard, I'd use magic to do everything around the house, but it might be detected by my br- THOR or Odin and so help me, I wouldn't go back ever again. So I did it by hand, thanking that helper lady at Safeway for explaining how to brew the magical elixir that makes morning shifts possible.

The doorbell rang once, then twice. Mrs. Lee was here. "One minute!" I called, pressing the final buttons. I opened the door and smiled.

"I brought dinner, Alex," she explained. Mrs. Lee was a kind Oriental lady, who always brought me dinner since occasionally I fell asleep before eating. I did that for a week before she poked my stomach and declared "you're too skinny for your own good."

"Thanks! What delicious creation did you bring tonight?" I slipped into normal young adultness and rubbed my hands together. "I'm starving!"

She shook her head and grinned. "If you weren't, I'd say you were sick. I made bachelor's hash." Mrs. Lee handed me the Tupperware dish with instructions to hand wash only, and waved goodbye. I returned the gesture and reheated it in the microwave as soon as I could before wolfing it down. She was a master in the kitchen!

I know, it's ungodly to like common food, blah blah blah etc, but I wasn't quite like Thor when I thought we were siblings. I disliked food that was princely and rich, it was too much for me. But free food was always welcome. Who'd turn it down?

After scrubbing my dishes clean and changing into pajamas, I drifted off quickly like most nights.

I woke up to the coffee pot screaming it did its job. Groggily I shuffled into the kitchen and started my day. Drank a cup or two, took a shower, dressed, and checked the weather. 'Of course I would have to walk in the pouring rain.'

I dropped off the Tupperware dish and headed to the library before my dinner shift. I shook out my umbrella and left it on a rack by the door, then headed for the teen fiction section. I only had the vocabulary of a teenager compared to most adults, and technically I wasn't an adult by god standards. I picked up Uglies by Scott Westerfeld and buried myself in her story until noon rolled around, three hours later. It was such a good book!

I ate at Red Robin. Afterwards, I finished Pretties before heading back home for my uniform. I clocked in at 6:05 and wore my feet out serving customers for two hours.

Around eight, I heard a strange sound, like rockets. 'A low flying plane perhaps?' I ignored it until I heard metallic, weighted footsteps walk up to the door. 'Okay, that sounded too familiar...'

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