Chapter VI

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter VI

(A/N: 0.0 wow. Six? I'm on such a roll, I'm butter! XD anyways, comment fan and vote! Not necessarily in that order.)

Loki's PoV

After Tony told me to leave, I went back to his room and sat in the desk chair. There were shirts scattered everywhere, half of them dirty and covered in sweat. 'Does he work out..?' The thought crossed my mind but I shot it down as soon as I could. 'Nope, lalalalala not thinking about thaaaaat~' I distracted myself by closing my eyes and listening for footsteps. I hear Banner's shoes squeak on the tile, the lighter patter of a female agent and then the sound of the Iron Man suit coming back. I straightened up before Tony entered the room.

The suit looked like it was shoved through the blender on high speed purée. I could see skin and wounds through the metal as he shuffled towards the closet. The severely damaged suit disassembled itself and reformed in the closet, shutting the door behind it. I barely held back a squeak of surprise; there were deep wounds and minor scratches littering his entire body, bleeding heavily. Tony must have forgotten I was in his room, because he stumbled and landed face down on his bedspread, the covers turning crimson red.

"Tony wake up!" I rushed over and flipped him onto his back to breathe. He was unconscious from pain and blood loss. I chewed my lip and thought of my options.

1: Use magic. Pros- quick healing. Cons- Fury knowing I'm out of my cell, Thor taking me back once he finds my magic trace. Nope.

2: Take him to the hospital wing. Pros- can use Midgardian medicine to patch him up. Cons- Wing is demolished, agents throw me back in the cell. Uh-uh.

3: Take him directly to Fury. Pros- he'll get someone to fix him up. Cons- back in cell, not allowed to see Tony. That'd be depressing...

4: Patch him up myself. Pros- fix him myself, able to see him, make sure he isn't in danger after I'm done. Cons- if I'm discovered, punishment...

'Number four it is.' I dived for needle and thread, looking at the biggest wound before biting off a lengthy strand. Needle threaded, I ripped open his shirt. I started to sew him up.

Once I finally finished, the coverlet was soaked but he wasn't bleeding out anymore. I tore up an old shirt to make bandages and wound it around the smaller cuts on his arms and legs. His chest looked like someone stitched bits of him together, avoiding the area around the arc reactor. 'I need real bandages for his chest.'

One ravaged room later, I found a first aid kit in the closet, of all places. I opened the antiseptic and with a mumbled apology, squirted it on the largest chest wound. I could hear it hissing and winced.

Tony woke up with a yell. "YOWCH GODDAMMIT!!" He shot up to his feet. I caught him before his knees went out from under him.

"Sorry! It's the antiseptic, you're badly hurt," I explained, "the fight really was huge." I looped his arm around my shoulders and stripped off the bloody covers. "I patched you up, but I need to sanitize the cuts. If they get infected..." Didn't want to think about that. I laid him back down, attempting to ignore the fact he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Loki playing doctor? Hm. Never thought that would happen," he mused. I resisted the urge to flick his forehead and instead applied a lot of sanitizer. "Damn that huuurts!" Tony whined loudly.

I held back a chuckle. "Then don't get hurt." He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"He threw me in a turbine. Those things are lethal!" He protested. "Not my fault..."

"....." I wound the bandages over the patchwork job and tied it off. Tony rose only to be pushed down. "Bed rest. I don't want to restitch you."

His stomach rumbled. Mine replied. "Haha, I guess we both forgot breakfast. It's already one," Tony pointed out.

I rubbed my mouth, deep in thought. He shouldn't move, I might get thrown in my cell.... "Can that suit walk on its own?" Crazy idea alert!

"Yeah, Mark 42. It can also disassemble itself. Why?" I ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Room service? I can't go out, neither can you," I reasoned. Tony shrugged.

"Why not. I'll grab the headset." He opened the night table drawer and clipped it to his ear. I opened the closet door and the suit walked out the door. We waited. And waited. And waited.

Until four agents came in, demanding why I was out of my cell.

"Hey, leave Loki alone! I took him out, he had stitches across his lips. Maria, the baddie I gave ya did it to him, I fixed him up," Tony explained for my sake. An agent held my arms behind my back. Tony was standing upright and clutching a bleeding spot over his heart. They popped a few stitches.

Maria didn't look happy. "Uh huh. And how'd you get hurt?" She leaned against the wall, arms crossed defensively.

I piped up, "He was thrown into a turbine. I sewed him up, the needle and thread's on the desk." She checked, and true to my word nowadays, they were there.

".... Nevertheless, both of you need to go to Fury," she said in a bit of a bored monotone.

I was roughly pushed towards the door by the guard. I sneaked a glance back and gave Tony a small smile. Hopefully it'll be alright.

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