Chapter XII

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter XII

Loki's PoV

Since the "negotiations" were done, I headed to the dining hall. My stomach was complaining loudly. I had forgotten magic needs a lot of food afterwards. I could go for a nice sandwich...

Once I got there, I was given a cold turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cheese and bacon on it. The lunch personnel waved me on with a grunt. Slightly offended by the rude treatment, I grabbed a bottle of milk out of a side fridge and a bag of chips before sitting down at an empty table. I sighed and nearly picked up my sandwich when a rectangle was shoved in front of my face.

"Isn't my little girl cute? She was only two months when this picture was taken! I can't believe she's six already!" A rugged-looking ravenette man exclaimed, dangling it in front of me. I huffed in slight annoyance but looked at it. It showed a simple scene, the man and a lady- probably his wife- and a baby with brown eyes on a green couch. They looked happy, even the baby girl was smiling.

I nodded. "You're quite lucky, you know," I told him with a calm half-smile. "What I wouldn't give for love." He seemed surprised at my statement, and gave me a curious look.

"What do you mean? Surely you have family," he said. I shook my head in reply. That wasn't true.

"Not really, unless you count an annoyingly clingy adopted brother and adopted parents who barely remember you half the time. And that was before New York." I kept it vague, since he obviously didn't know me. The man blinked and carefully stowed away the photo. I took the pause to bite into my sandwich, which was okay.

"Wow. That's rough. Well, I wish the best for you," he replied with a pat on the shoulder. I gave him a nod and he walked off, not looking back since no one ever does. Except Tony.

I contemplated him as I chewed. Anthony Howard Stark, my roommate and probably the only person who cares about me(Thor does NOT count) off Asgard. The same man I threw out his own window when Thanatos controlled me. I tried to destroy his planet, his home; and yet, he let me sleep in the same room as him. He tried- and succeeded- to protect and befriend me. Tony stood up for me in front of Fury, and I saved him when I had his life in my hands. He didn't kill me like he could have for revenge, just captured me. He cut the thread that stitched my mouth shut and made sure I was okay. Hela, I worry over him half the day. I guess I've changed more than I thought I ever could. I'm even calling him by his nickname, not his last name.

I attempted to take another bite but found my hands were empty. I must have eaten on autopilot. I glanced around and saw almost everyone that has been seated had gone, most likely back to work. I sighed. I was all alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tray being clunked down in front of me. I looked up and saw Banner sitting in front of me and biting into an apple.

"Hey there. You looked kinda lonely, being alone in an empty cafeteria," he told me. I shrugged and opened my bag of chips nonchalantly.

"Eh, at least it's not alone in a cell. The food could be better though." Banner nodded in agreement.

We sat there for a while, consuming our food and chatting about the ups and downs of life on the helicarrier. We both agreed the beds could be a bit better and the food sucked, but at least you didn't have to pay rent or anything. He was nice and didn't start going off about the whole New York thing or glaring, like most everyone else.

"Can I ask you something, Loki?" I nodded in reply. He pulled out a tablet and drew something up on the screen. "I've been checking footage on your magical attacks and such to see how it's done, but I noticed in New York, your eyes weren't the same color as they are now. Care to explain?"

I thought for a bit, trying to word it properly in my head before blurting out the simplest way of saying it.

"I was under mind control of a sort." Bruce was visibly shocked and I embarrassedly flushed. " be blunt." Internally I was hitting myself in the head with a hardcover book at my stupidity. 'IDIOT!'

"Wait, YOU were under mind control? I didn't know that could happen to demigods," he stated. I shrugged.

"... In the clips, my eyes were blue right? The same colour as Agent Barton's when I was forced to do the same thing to him. Now mine are their normal green, see?" I explained with a slight hesitation. Bruce adopted an understanding expression which put me at ease. I sipped my milk.

"Am I the first person you've told?" I sighed. That's right, I haven't told Tony.

"Yes, Tony hasn't asked yet, and usually he's helping around the carrier or fighting bad guys, so I haven't had time." He contemplated the thought for a bit as I finished off the dairy drink.

"Knowing Tony, he probably already guessed something along the lines, or he wouldn't have stuck up for you so much. He can be pretty cynical," Bruce confessed. He glanced at his watch and jumped up. "Sorry Loki, but I'm late for a meeting with Fury. See ya later!" He dashed off and left me by myself in an empty cafeteria.

I stood and went back to my room, whistling a tune all the way to the door. Nothing else I really could do anyway.


OMG guys, I am sooooooo sorry! I've been busy moving and stuff(hence the username) and I kinda got privileges taken away and I haven't written another chapter in ages so I'll have to listen to music in the car more and *huge breath* write more to make it up to you guys! But yeah.... I may be on hiatus for a bit, starting a brand new school in a new district and still getting used to my new room so yeah.... But I'll try to get back in my groove! *cue Kuzco dance*

Oh, and the guy at the beginning showing the picture? He's supposed to be Colonel Hughes from FMA:B. ^^ I was addicted at the time, so I had to. Don't hate me!

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